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    R32 - non nissan

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  1. how about YOU organise something then?
  2. No Birds seems to popular & cheap from memory. Got the current corola as their fleet.
  3. i'd vote for you! *cross' fingers behind back*
  4. i dont have a skyline anymore so therefore i am not cool??? Better hand in my membership to Dan and Paul (by the way I know both well including their family and where they live, do you?) and stop talking to the other GOOD friends I have made through this forum....O well it was a fun *insert how ever many years i have been apart of this place here* years,
  5. ^lucky you didnt dont think any one turned up! My boss got me for a project update just as i was about to leave and that was and hours worth of talking...
  6. awww...*reaches for $5 note* narr i think ill keep that..........
  7. ^pfftt sif we change it! Maybe last one at this place to close out the year then a new place can be found.....?
  8. so...friday? same bat time same bat place?
  9. mm pics, still cant wait to see it done. Keep it up
  10. good to see things are still moving a long.
  11. nice job well done, I still love the colour!
  12. hahaha no and I'm talking about my bike rims. they are black and i want to add a little colour.
  13. from memory its plug and play, the gtr one needed a few wire's moved around but I'm not 100% on that.
  14. ooo let me know how you go i want to get my rims done!
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