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Everything posted by Boss-zilla

  1. lol, im sure you would be able too.
  2. bugger man, sucks. insurance?
  3. ^and push you out of the way INTO the rain when they are the one with the umbrella! high 5 brother from a another mother.
  4. if i remember correctly is was almost a dead heat between us at vpower and that was only after one go. ^this^ yay! i now know that ill be able to beat one person
  5. In like sin!!!!!!!!!!!! and i paid too
  6. Cool, give him a bell if he cant/doent want to he should know someone who will.
  7. give him a call but i dont think he can/will weld cast items. what are you trying to acheive?
  8. Sorry, yes they can be used not yes they are illegal. My bad at explaining.
  9. 2nd, but it also depends on the material. ie:cast or stainless.
  10. If they are the ones that throw a white light then yes.
  11. I read it as only 9 spots for some reason??? *facepalm*
  12. 6 = 2/3
  13. ^5
  14. check the shell site too. there maybe vpower avail when bp is not.
  15. sounds like 2 issues. 1. possable fuel pump 2. Maybe the cap at the top of the tank has been removed and not put back on correctly or one of the fuel lines in that area hence the leak. If you remove your carpet in the boot on the drivers side should be 4 bolts around a plate with wiring going into it. If you remove this you will see the top of the tank where the pump goes in. Have a look to see if you can find the leak.
  16. let me know if you do as i might head out with you. If thats not ok too bad!
  17. how far out are you talking?
  18. Sorry completely forgot about you, still need a hand doing the sway bar? as bubba said bit of goo is the answer
  19. That name again is.... sorry but i cant help with the question. however maybe see if paul will push you around in his one?
  20. depends on the driver at the time. My 32 was lower than standard but still way above legal. I had a few small rub marks but nothing a cut and polish wouldnt fix. They are insured just make sure that who ever is at this end gets all the marks (if any) on the pickup form and you have a copy when you get the car. This way if there is any new marks you have proof.
  21. i have used Ceva several times now. the thing you have to remember most will use the train so the do get dirty. Most places give the car a wash before you pick it up but in saying that if its a nice car i would tell them not too the wash it myself on the way home. Ceva cost us around $1100 from Melb to Perth as an idea, that was door to door.
  22. lol
  24. i know of a good workshop in melb that might help you over the phone, would you like their details?
  25. also if youre not in a rush find out what pannels they use. I am told this can make a difference but in saying that i couldnt tell you who/what is better sorry.
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