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Everything posted by Boss-zilla

  1. Boo, photos on this pages not working for me!
  2. that or you run the rear section into a cooler. 1/2 a meter of hose and 2 clamps get it done. Sorry Jimmy have been flat out (dam floors) and forgot to call you will have to book a weekend with you to get this done.
  3. Jimmy send me a pm with your number i should have time next week if you do.
  4. I wasnt correcting him on the pronounciation. any way no point fighting about it I know you all love it secretly
  5. but last time i spoke to him he was putting a 25 in????????
  6. Im supprised the guy even started the car. If it was me i would have pushed it out into the drive way then open every door and let it air out. Case in point the poor plumber the other week in Melb i think. looked like a bomb took out his car.
  7. Rick, its spelt Volkswagen! You know you want it! 08 golf James. Like i said sometimes it will take a few min of blowing hot air before it cools and most times its cold as soon as i hit the button. The compresser and a solenoid are known for stuffing up but generaly once they do it just goes to a mild cool. I'm guessing mine is either on the way out or has a leak (i hope) For you car ill need about .5 meter of p/s hose and 2 clamps, 1/2in i think.
  8. easy as, ill do it while you look at why my dam aircon SOME times takes ages to go cold.
  9. Go along to one of the prac days they have a beginners section. People hope in to give you pointers, Mitch has just started this recently so he will be best to contact as Trev said.
  10. 100% Understand where you are coming from, open forum and all.
  11. bummer really wanted to see it from start to finish. Keep me in the loop Corey
  12. can be but i still get them to write one out (or have one typed up that they fill in the details for) just in case. i have got all my cars from private sellers so far and have yet to have any trouble however make sure you cover all your bases.
  13. i think you will find he has sold the car and not been on here since.
  14. He's Back! yep this friday
  15. Last one for the year, ill make a special effort just for you Dale.
  16. i would either buy or loan some stock lights (bulb style) the complete unit and swop them over.
  17. must have been. was a laugh sitting at the lights then seeing the car/driver and thinking 'there is Roy' knowing full well that it was a silly thought.
  18. Must..............resist.....buying......another.............32.............arrrrrggggg! You didnt happen to be in Perth on monday with the cossie? Saw one at a set of lights that looked like yours (from memory) and the gent driving looked like you as well! scary!
  19. I'd be telling them either nissan or carbon their choice. Not your fault they: a) broke them and b) they are expensive to get.
  20. Nissan? You should be able to get them but i bet the carbon once cost less.
  21. FYI Dan from second post:
  22. Mike is right if you can prove more than 12 months ownership it just get transfered over with out needing to be checked. We did this when we moved over with the wifes car by showing 3 rego forms in her name. If you cant then it will be a trip to the pits (have a search plenty of info) which will mean either returning it to stock OR putting in an application to approve the mods BEFORE going over. Most things get approved but a screamer WILL NOT so that will be the first thing you will have to change.
  23. i can think of 4, Thats a big box!
  24. Bushes will be fine, dont cheap out on the arms get very good ones that can be serviced. fingers crossed.
  25. you can get adj. bushes instead of complete arms. they should do you till you get better and will cost less. i would suggest caster rods but again the bushes are fine everthing else is nice but not essentual till later. cool as long as it works till then you are laughing.
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