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Mr Kofi Ahmed

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Everything posted by Mr Kofi Ahmed

  1. sounds like I could die. however, in perhaps?
  2. he is a tool, and thinks my post was friendly towards him, wtf. Im nice to no one.
  3. oh common Noel, if you knew how you could, its really quite fun. albar it a complete no use skill as its not a form of motorsport
  4. I agree. But don't you get a thrill from a good old fashion street race every now and then? There a place and a time, but common we all take on a run, or go for an industo slide.
  5. I shouldn't have to be gender specific, as the door swings one way. thar be female.
  6. hi5 :sorcerer:
  7. ozzie slang moite
  8. to be honest, i dont have to. I just have standards, they start at blonde hair and blue eyes, and 90% of the time no older then 18.
  9. oh god, you've said to your kids havent you, Noel. I wana see a old man on you tube saying that
  10. is it wrong to feel scared?
  11. how does that work, when only i know what i like
  12. what can I say, i know what i like
  13. Oi, the only fluffly thing I do, is myself
  14. Nah the young ones dont do it for me, I need lumber jacks like you Noel baby
  15. good time, great music. Call noel for sexy time
  16. im not emo, fatty
  17. oi ginger, leave.
  18. you farkin WHAAAAAT! bout time too. 0413 863207 or h. 32886483 For a good time call Noel Oh god, old man rivers what are you doing!! Your getting calls at 3am when the clubs close
  19. This stands out, I don't know you, nor dislike you. But why do you own a Gtst with basic mods? if you have a bank roll for more. Sure, you may like gtst's, however i'm just interested.
  20. oh ZING. Lee is going to be such a grumpy bum at everyone know haha
  21. true, lee is viet though, does he still get skills?
  22. I try hard to plug the shit out of the game, dont i siff not play, although it is a high effort game
  23. Have you met lee? nothing could spice up their realationship, he looks like a dodgy fisherman!! Jokes lee, you know I <3 u
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