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Mr Kofi Ahmed

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Everything posted by Mr Kofi Ahmed

  1. Be fixed when the forum hosting is fixed we hope.
  2. Nah we're all on Sd.com.au pwning some noob drifters.
  3. red bangs FTW
  4. Don't cut your bangs!! Just cut fat wrists
  5. Watch out for emo fringe. P.s Fringe = Bangs. EMO BANGS!!
  6. Hell I'll make the money some what decent so its worth while.
  7. Next time im at QR. Old mate with the 1jz 180sx said I should foot some prize money. If they are so good, and if they win a night event outright, I pay up. If not and they suck they shut up. I like that idea.
  8. Check ur msn window. as Im not posting it up on SAU, as im not starting another forum war. The above is a PM. 91laurel is now offline *waits for reply*
  9. weed/ giggles
  10. Zaffa, who is 91laurel from SD.com.au? Interesting Pm from them: To which i replied:
  11. grease/lube
  12. I wounder what his mother said about the grease stain she needed to napysan out of his fly area.
  13. Back in your box.
  14. I miss my old account
  15. I was speaking with some CAMS people on the weekend, it looks like it will be a go ahead, wasn't told anything else other then hursh DB rules, and the norm which most already know from the Lakeside thread already on here.
  16. A basic level license isn't hard to get
  17. http://www.cams.com.au/Content.asp?PageID=PaperForms
  18. home made or McDonald's?
  19. Yeap, not too long at all. Unfortunately the job interview(s) I had lined up will have to be binned, as no license no job, and it's no good going back to the real estate office I was at, as I just cant get there, so it'll be annoying, but I'm not risking driving for such a sort suspension time, last I heard it was upto $3000 and 12 months in jail.. So... Flag that. It'll give me time to work any hour part time jobs around town and give me the opportunity to have another performance car come re applying time.
  20. The stupid thing is, I can apply for Vic L's and just start over. Australia is weird with their systems. It's not worth the effort, nor money just go down just for L's.
  21. Whats the point if he will just ban people?
  22. Well, interesting info after talking to transport. As it's me, some downer at court processed the paper work even though no one actually went.. Anyone else I'd say it would have slipped. Ended up with a 6 month suspension, which is awesome as if I didn't do what I did I would have got 12 months. Love hate situation, I would have liked it to be ignored, but knew it wouldn't have, and only ended up wit half what I should have. Plus, I've already been self serving it, and will continue to self serve while I don't have a license (thought they might have started it from when i reapplied). And when I re apply I go back onto my opens. The system works to some degree, yet fails and I only end up with half teh time *giggles*
  23. 285 or no care
  24. Heh my IP is blocked or something, link is no worky for me
  25. tire power noosa.
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