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Mr Kofi Ahmed

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Everything posted by Mr Kofi Ahmed

  1. True that! Dont get me wrong, finding a new mark or something on your car is annoying, but its not the end of the world, more so if it happened while out having fun, car park door marks is another story. Perfect paint clowns I cant understand
  2. Some of the cars are awesome, well set up and look smart. I admit pretty cars dint get me excite (not something I would wana own), i dont like them, they serve no purpose when your racing, however tidy well packaged cars are FTW. Kudo's to people who put the effort in making them look pretty though, each to their own when it comes to owning them
  3. it turns u on
  4. Montrose is about 40 - 50mins east of the CBD. You should be able to buy Msports kits in QLD...
  5. I'd rather be doing sprints in an Alfa then drifting high performance cars. Im such a sad ass. now, where is my old man hat and cup of tea
  6. I was born way too late, sometimes I think I should be in my 50's But yeah, the overall pakage and dollar for dollar value you can't beat modern cars.
  7. You saying i corrupt people?
  8. eh? Its a 1990, the black one in my msn display pic. He wanted f**king aircon. I think its got power steering, not sure early 90's is when they started putting them in.
  9. Dont get me wrong, im way too hung up having a street weapon just as much, but this is due to them being overall cheaper, better value for money performance wise and just a f**k load quicker then anything old school like i mentioned could be. If I could, I owuld be driving something old
  10. The f**king clown bought a 1990 model. It's too new for me to like anyway
  11. 7 more days untill its here
  12. Slow as f**k when up with anything new, but thats why CAMS run different class's
  13. Nah something along the lines of a BMW 2002 or an Alfa giulia sprint/ GT junior/GTV all much the same eara, anything late 60's through to mid to late 70's that do well in hill climbs get me moist way too much
  14. This is true... But... I have a soft spot for things that are old, nimble and runs webbers. Oh lordy
  15. im a 20 yr old male, I like boobs
  16. Hahaha shhh you, evil man
  17. This is true, but hybird costs are huge. I cant do much DIY, im pretty lame on the skills as im worried about f**king shit up
  18. so we'll quote the shit out of it then?
  19. dont act like you wouldnt root me. Shane, sig could be funny.. I duno though. we need to be good for a while
  20. I dont need encouragment!!! Pics of you getting yout boobs out in the mud?
  21. i keep changing my mind you hag! I want a toyota motor but want nissan styling. And im not going to hybrid. Ive wanted a jzx90 for so long, but wont import, and as much as a like jzz30's it'll never be a light car even with all the normal stripping out. Atm ive gone back to old cars (which I wont buy), my interest in motorsports are hillclimbs, sprints and the likes. heh.
  22. in before the edit
  23. ever play in the mud when you were a kid? you know when your feet get stuck and you lift them out the suction sounds makes that noise. hahah yeah, thats the shit
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