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Mr Kofi Ahmed

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Everything posted by Mr Kofi Ahmed

  1. hahah true true, i guess it just means its time for something else
  2. liz did a "fanny fart"
  3. I have, I still spend my free time trolling club lexus for shit though
  4. http://www.more-japan.com/Lexus-LS400-p-1-c-1035.html giggles... more suspension shit for LS400... sad im still looking at this crap i need help
  5. Who knows, mine is paid off and cut up as of today. They are nasty and people under 30 should be banned from having them
  6. he is a memeber of the pirate pants party club
  7. yeh i know, you can pick up legal 2nd one hands though. siff legal is needed for d/drive on. where is your sense of fun... clutch gas gas DROP. Or when you have power, just gas gas gas
  8. skids mean 2nd hand puppys only plz
  9. new tires! Old man, nigga please
  10. RR forums are your friend
  11. Your a man who sounds like he has owned one before, you and my father will get along haha. His one spent more time getting fixed, then getting driven. Nice cars though.
  12. im more worried you werent smoking drugs to come up with that dream. You need help
  13. lets talk about sexy time agian tonight
  14. I believe so, I think only the new sports are 5stud due to the jag brembo;s.
  15. They wont fit a nissan. They are gigga width. I dont remeber the MM size of fhand
  16. pull my tail?
  17. well.. I am fluffly...
  18. it'll be out little secret
  19. She told me about some sexytime dream I got hard over it
  20. I swear there are no jobs in Noosa. ARRHHHH!! Can't apply too far away as I cant drive... Legally.. Too far. Home is teh gay
  21. Should have heard her talk dirty to me on msn then
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