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Everything posted by XKLABA

  1. I mean the exhaust side of a -5 can out flow what ever the compressor side can send it I mean exhaust housing and turbine wheel, the more variation in pressure from pre and post turbine the better the turbo can work, just to spell it out the lower the pressure in the exhaust post turbine compaired to the pressure in the manifold/exhaust housing the better the turbo will work Boost v backpressure in this instance is obvious but I will spell it out also for the knowledge lacking few, the backpressure pre turbine v how much boost the compressor is making We measured it in the BSM GTR time attack/ sports sedan when it was running -10s and ended up controlling boost according to exhaust manifold pressure if everyone had to explain everything that is posted this thread would be a fark load longer, certain things just need to be expected to be common knowledge, if there is something someone doesn't know they should ask a specific question
  2. Lets just pour some fuel on this one lol The tail end isn't restricted in -5s, the compressor is out of flow, my RSs with the same rear hold 28psi flat to 8500 on a 3.0 though the power does start to fall away but that might have been the old cams as well And the boost v backpressure on these things is garbage
  3. Funny thing unless the officer was recording it one word against the other so deni saying it Also just wait for the letter, I had a car catching me very fast one night then he followed me into the side street I was going into and a HWY pulled both us over and booked us for 144 in a 80 zone out of separate books, I decided to fight it and elected to take it to court, that was 11 years ago and I am still waiting for the court letter lol In court they won't be able to prove it if there was no radar so most likely won't even try, they most likely are just hoping you will cop it and pay the fine
  4. Funny enough I'm actually getting use to it and can hardly hear it now lol
  5. Twin 3" on the 34 as well, in to single 4" And is still quieter then the fuel pump lol
  6. Piggy yes, Me not likely depending on Piggies result I'm more likely to be converted away from RBs but still twin turbo
  7. I have made 458awkw from GT-RSs on my 3.0 which run the same exhaust as -5s and Piggas has made 473rwkw with -5s on a 2.8 and I have been talking with a dude the has made 716rwhp from -10s on a 2.6 so I guess it comes down to how much power you want to make
  8. Depends on engine size really, 30psi on a 2.8 will make them spin to fast, 2.6 not so much but yeah still getting up there Also by making the engine run more efficiently means the turbos don't have to work as hard for the same power
  9. That works for me, I'll PM you
  10. Once the turbos are out of flow you can then make more power by using what they flow more effectively/efficiently like comp ratios and cam timing etc E85 helps here to
  11. I have seen a vid of a guy that tested the R8 coils and they made 45kv, not sure how that compares but it sounds like alot I have googled heaps and yet to find anyone actually using them on a 26 But then I googled heaps about the LS2 truck coils and didn't find any bad posts till after I lost an engine
  12. Ok so I will put up my ARC core for comparison as well Just for Paulie ?
  13. I don't doubt it, my point but which I realise I didn't make very clear was it doesn't matter which brand or even the same brand they all read different and realisticly nothing more then a tuning tool that gives a rough idea of actual power If someone wants to compair his/her power against a freinds the only ways to do it is roll one off the dyno and roll the other one on the same dyno and strap it done the exact same way and even then there will be slight variation or make the two weigh the same and head to the drag strip
  14. Just wait till you pull gears in anger, it will be all worth it lol
  15. Hahaha, couldn't help myself, was just to good of an opportunity
  16. I'm asking $700 plus
  17. First hand proof Paul does some of the spanner work on his own car lol
  18. I have a cattle prod if you need it to change cam timing lol
  19. Lol, not sure if serious or take the piss
  20. Can you play with the cam timing on the inlet cam you already have too, for science, and see what happens ?
  21. I fairly sure the debate is which reads higher/lower more then which is accurate Iirc it is the US drag strips that where shortened to 1000f for the biggest cars, not sure what class it called but I think it top alcohol or something like that, to lower trap speeds which where getting out of hand What Sean said is something I have heard also, the US dynos are calibrated to reflect FW horse power where AUS dynos are set for RW hp
  22. Yeah mate I am selling, sending them is an issue though cause of their size and shape, I got a quote to send to perth through auspost and it was just shy of $100
  23. See that's interesting cause Insight just changed from a Dyno Dymanics to a Main Line and they have named it the heart braker cause all their cars are reading lower on the ML then they did on the DD
  24. Lol hahaha, knew that wouldn't take long
  25. as a earthmover that has a big arse truck I will say this is incorrect, my truck has only one 400l tank and it does have a placard and so does the excavator which is only 110l Also contrary to popular belief diesel in not flammable, it is a combustible liquid so the same rules may not apply Edit: if your desiel is flammable stop buying from that servo
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