+1 jack i totally agree.
mind you i have to ask.............where are you getting the money to buy all theses cars kahli? is mummy and daddy handing it out to you?
if your still at school then you should buy something that is going to get u from a to b, and not something that "all the jealous kids" are gonna go and ruin.
i , like jack do not see you reasoning, behind going from a 33 to a 32. i think its more of a statement going "look what i have got/had"
if i am incorrect in saying that mummy and daddy are handing out money to you left right and center then i apologise, but from what i have read it does seem that way very much and i think if that is the case you need to grow up and start taking responsibility.
i am not saying this because i am jealous, because i am not, at least i dont have something that my parents have over me, i own my car and everything i have done to her, and by hell its a better feeling doing it that way then relying on your parents to buy everything for you.
so how do you afford insurance? someone of your age would not be able to afford full comprehensive insurance, its either that or you dont have any.
i could keep going but ive had my rant.