yeah i know, the dickheads at profix (who were running the dyno @ extreme horsepower) had no f*kin idea what they were doing, honestly, one car putting out 500 + kW nearly came off the rollers cause they didnt strap it down enough, and with some other cars, they had people sitting in the boot to hold it down.
but it was my car
and i have THE BEST TUNER. Joh has done an excellent job with my car, and always have, but when u have extremely inexperienced dyno people it stuffs everything up. it really does, my car put out 128 on the friday before extreme, and then did 116 at extreme horsepower, now i know that John will normally do a run in both 3rd and 4th for me, and the car did 128 in 3rd, now i told the idiots over that weekend that it was done in 3rd and i was god damn sure of it, but they said "it dosent matter what gear it is in", when i told John the next week he laughed so hard at their stupidity.
when u look at the graphs, especially the nos one, before the curve starts to go straight up, there is a part that dosent look right, where it has gone up and down, that was caused by wheel spin, which was caused by the dyno operator. i was not impressed.
oh and im getting 75 hp jets we will see who gets mauled.
oh and i have a bottle warmer aswell and yes it is hooked up and no im not afraid to use it.