Hey all
Just a FYI in regards with entry forms and club displays.
It is preferred by organisers of shows that all club entries are sent together rather than one by one. This obviously makes it a lot easier on them and they then know how many are in the display itself (unless there is a late entry or two which i can always call them up and let them know of the details of the people entering late).
If you send in your entry by itself, most organisers will see that as a individual entry, not a club entry (unless i have spoken/emailed them in regards with any late entries or change of enteries etc). I can only do my set up plan with the people i know that are entering via who has given me there entry forms/entry money, and its a massive pain in the butt when you get people that choose to enter on the day, and not actually give me any warning that they are choosing to enter or not (in the sense of i can do up a back up plan with their car on it).
This is not having a go at anyone, just more of a FYI that if you are gonna enter, please let me know, (which nearly everyone does anyway), or if you have entered, and then change your mind (say you entered as a individual and then decide you would like to be part of the club display) please let me know no later than the week before the show itself. this gives me time to sort out my plan or make the necessary changes and get in contact with the show organisers aswell.
Car Shows can be stressful enough, especially when i have my own car + need to sort out everyone else's too!!!!!!! So all i ask is that you can co operate and let me know if you have sent in your form individually and change your mind as you want to be part of the club display cause if you ask me on the day without any prior warning, the chances of it happening will probably be minimal as i wont have the time to drop everything to sort it out
It will just make my life alot easier and ill appreciate it heaps
Thanks guys