Hi all. I live in the US.. I have a 97 GTR motor that I'm prepping to put into an S13.
Right now, I've got the head removed and I'm looking for some answers regarding the head gasket.
I will likely go with an aftermarket HG. Anyways.. here's some questions. (I searched quite a bit) These are aimed towards people who have done many headgaskets. Tuners, engine builders, technicians, etc.
- Is it ALWAYS a good idea to resurface the head before putting a new gasket on? Or are there certain exceptions?
- If NOT resurfacing, what should I use to clean/prep the gasket surfaces without damaging anything?
- If material from the OLD gasket falls into the ring gaps (hard to avoid this from happening), will blowing it out with an air compressor be sufficient? I don't want any damage to the cylinder walls, or crud stuck in the ringlands. I'm not dissasembling the bottom end.
- I've been reading about oil feeds between the block and head. Some people plug one of them up? Not sure about that. But since this motor will be intended to be boosting at higher levels, should I do any plugging of orifices between the block and head for prevention?
- Last question. There is some combustion leftovers on the tops of a couple of the pistons. Is it ok to clean this off? And how?
(btw, here's a picture of the motor)