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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. Everybody loves dictators. That's why they always have their portraits everywhere
  2. I hated evo x's when they were released but they have really grown on me
  3. I won't be.... But only because the last place I want to holiday is anywhere filled with bogan aussies
  4. That looks like aids...
  5. they are like 5 metres away lol
  6. This... Also with only 3 having live ammo to protect the executioners from knowing whether they fired a fatal bullet. I'm pretty sure the callibre of marksman they use would be able to tell if he fired a blank or a real bullet.. In America it's all but 1 with a live round... far more logical Less excessive than the transfer was... that's for sure
  7. You forgot drug dealers
  8. and you turn up...
  9. not really... putting one under each of the 4 tyres would be... you would of course likely die
  10. yup. invented by axl rose... little known fact
  11. So do I but for the purpose of continuity I called them axle stands if that's ok with you, your majesty?
  12. I have axle stands x 4 at my place too
  13. well that depends on where you work...
  14. yeah, in the lego building... great offices
  15. Nah, I'm still in the same building. I love working in docklands, our buildings are pimp
  16. Just realised that with this new free tram zone I get my free public transport to flinders st only then hop a tram from flinders st steps to literally (in the figurative sense, because according to Oxford, that's logical now) the front door of Nab. Winnar! Edit: formerly it was a 6min walk from Spencer st station. (No it is not f**king Sothern Cross)
  17. Test drive in the wet.... problem solved
  18. Evo you say eh...
  19. That's a lot of power for a vacuum
  20. Ask mohsen. He knows all about sucking
  21. Never said I would do it... just that the level of retardation may have been mitigated by circumstance
  22. Lighter, better weight distribution and a bunch of aftermarket support. If your RB shits itself and you have an SR laying around or available cheap.... why not?
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