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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. Same lol... (apart from the chiseled bit)
  2. no joke....
  3. recent one, that I can talk about as it was not a client one... just a mate trying to buy... Bids went 400, 405, 410, 415, 420, 425, then a Chinese guy just went 550 and it was over
  4. yup... CBD is a joke. Guy at work was trying to buy a CBD apartment and some agents didn't even reply to his emails until he set up a fake email account where he changed his last name to Wong...
  5. definitely not always shooting above... People always think their house is worth more than it is, but not everyone refuses to listen to agents/valuers
  6. The other common thing is emotional attachment for a client that doesn't really want to sell creating unrealistic opioions of worth. I often see reserve prices that are waaaaay too high and it is completely not the agents fault.
  7. Do it for the lulz
  8. Just make sure what ever you borrow you can afford on non-fifo wages... Jus sayin
  9. Related: http://www.sbs.com.au/comedy/article/2015/02/02/malcolm-turnbull-caught-tape-measure-tony-abbotts-office
  10. Turnbull is nailing this. Aside from it being an obvious centre left vote grab, his comments on the children in detention report were also very accurate and exactly how the rest of the party should be responding.
  11. 400m you wont hear, 200m you will hear occasionally but it wont bother you
  12. I'd imagine that will be fine.
  13. Sensory adaption should come into play pretty quickly (dat year 11 psych) But having said that how far from the xing?
  14. Yeh, I rarely see > 3% on mil + and usually ~1.9%
  15. You would have to sell 2129 sets to be crazier. (Not taking tax etc into account)
  16. BTW Al I saw 4.5% on $3.5m recently! How crazy is that!
  17. No wonder Alex doesn't think Andrew Bolt Is right wing biased... Bolt sits on Al's left! LOL
  18. Thank god the LNP have never exaggerated anything. Cos if they had you'd look like an idiot right now...
  19. Shots fired
  20. Rosie Battie handled some seriously f**ked up shit in a dignified & admirable manner and then became an advocate for the subject (or prevention thereof) to try to help others. Goodes cried like a bitch cos a teenage girl called him a name... for a whole year...
  21. Lol you know dezz ain't buyin what you sellin
  22. Thanks Rush Limbaugh 1) I don't. I just comment on it exclusively because there are a couple of douchelords I like to troll. 2) Read any paper you like, it doesn't change the fact that the shadow AG has referred the AG to the AFP. Like i said, nothing will come of it barring possibly an amusing train wreck interview similar to his infamous "ar crash" interview 3) Labor are just as guilty regarding assylum seeker detention as Liberal.
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