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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. Adam don't forget Howard also said if he won he would step down and give the leadership to Costello, which didn't help
  2. Howard was definitely voted out as well. He was the last PM that was actually voted in and that was in the mid 90's!
  3. I didn't say I want him in. I said he has the better chance of getting in. And remember the last election was not "won" by anyone. It was "lost" by Kevin Rudd We all know it was a vote our situation, not a vote in.
  4. I can't see Bishop getting up. She doesn't have the left wing cred that Turnbull has for some reason (probably his favorable appearances on "The Project" ) Although she is being very vocal on saving the Bali 2 at the moment, which will certainly resonate will with the left. Turnbull is the safe bet at the moment. I don't think he will be all that different policy wise, barring climate change acceptance... but he'll sure as hell sell it better
  5. If Dezz gets paid that much because of union's he's probably not better off with LNP
  6. Don't expect to see any real policy from Labor for another 12 months. They don't need it right now while Abbott is the LNP's worst enemy. All they do is risk an unpopular policy while they are surging further and further ahead. Will be interesting to see if they learnt anything from Keatings loss here. If Abbott goes and Turnbull comes in you will see the policies come out of nowhere.
  7. Dezz are you saying $70/h is not enough?
  8. Sorry i missed this. I was taking the piss... National socialism differs from traditional socialism in that it is generally accepted to be far far right. The most prominent example of course being Nazism.
  9. Bahaha some idiot copped it hard in the running of the bulls. In through the sphincter, out through the thigh :0
  10. Just because I don't like the current federal government doesnt mean I must therefore be some die hard labor supporter. I know all you see is Right and "the enemy" but there is actually a lot more to it than that believe it or not. My honest position is that a centre right government that is willing to take its time to achieve outcomes rather than being ultra conservative and trying to do it all in 3 years for no purpose other than re-election is what this country needs. It is also what the LNP or ALP could turn into if the right team is put into play.
  11. I hope you arent suggesting it was me? Hell i didnt even propose that re Seinfeld. I never suggested Abbott's insane unpopularity on it's own justifies my views, it merely used it as a vehicle to demonstrate that it is not my apparent ghandi-esque leftism clouding my judgmemt.
  12. Wut r u sayin?
  13. And yes I have read his material. The stupidity haunts me to this day Also I think at one point Big Brother was the most watched show on australian TV... just sayin....
  14. Dude, he's right of Genghis Khan. The only reason he supports liberal is because National Socialist Party isn't possible. The funny thing is while I sit a little to the left on some issues, I am a swinging voter. Hell i voted for howard at one point. You only think I'm left because the centre is sooooo far away from where you sit.
  15. No i wouldn't. He would be an even more extreme version of Waleed, who already annoys me most of the time. Anyone in this day and age who sits as far left or right as Bolt is right is an idiot. Period
  16. Sooks about agendas Rates Andrew Bolt Lol
  17. Sorry dude. You have a brain. I KNOW that's trolling
  18. DUDE you have got to be kidding.Yes Waleed "in case you forgot I'm a Muslim" Ali's articles are shit, but nothjng comes close to the pathetic shit that the herald sun churns out. I guess you just need to know about Kim Kardashian's latest outfit more than I do...
  19. Being Lankan he probably didn't take it as well as your dad
  20. Now as for people ripping off welfare... f**k them and double f**k the horse they rode in on.
  21. Also when did 48% become a majority?
  22. Lol I wouldn't say missing an article published on news.com.au constitutes only reading leftist news. If say it's more avoiding the lowest common denominator. That paper is sensationalist trash and nothing more. Those figures include pensioners and self funded retirees , which make up a fair percentage of the 48%. Considering people earning the median wage are not really elligible for FTB and the median wage is, well... median, I simply can not see how they came to the 48% figure without a serious agenda in play.
  23. Howard and Abbott administrations are very different. Australia would totally vote howard back in if he ran.
  24. I think you are thinking of Greece
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