yeh... prolly ex demo to save some coin
leaning towards the 2.5l 2wd mazda cx5 maxx... recon i can get that at 30... but the hyundai is a strong competitor
yeah... turns out it's just s flesh wound... i managed to hit the branch which took the brunt of the force out of it (thought this may have been bone) and also gloves took a little too.
very sore but not going to lose any movement or require surgery.
also why are you wasting all this money modding a civic?
saw on fb you are thinking about doing an engine swap... why not leave it as it is and mod a decent (RWD/AWD) car?
relax max... it was a F'n'F quote...
FWIW, the decals will most probably lower resale value as you are cutting out 98% of your market (people with taste)