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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. didn't think krysissyiu would ever sell
  2. gotta agree with birdmang
  3. Dogs are awesome...
  4. Expected link to gay porn...
  5. It's times like these working for a massive company really works
  6. Back to work today for the first time in 6 weeks! Gonna see what kind of return to work program we can work out over the next 2 weeks
  7. i had to look up berms....
  8. homer sleep now
  9. yeah, been out for probably 2 weeks but been going back in for checkups, scans and to have needles shoved into my spine feeling a lot better! still not 100% but good enough to start back at work on reduced hours for a week to see how i go been off for 6 weeks now!
  10. started evo for the first time in 6 weeks today... batterty was DEEEEEAAAAAADDDDD
  11. wow.... sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow up in har
  12. his cousin probably licked it up
  13. in a navara... sounds super safe
  14. that is also how shit restaurants get away with serving rancid food,,, the blame is always placed on the next days meal
  15. related: When restaurants receive food poisining complaints like "i ate your calamari and when i got home I was sick and throwing up" we always look up the table number and there was ALWAYS an excessive amount of alcohol consumed for the table. not to mention that in 99% of cases you don't get food poisoning within 3 hours, if you did the food would have to be so rancid there is no way you would eat it unless it was part of a jackass segment. Generally it takes 24 hours but can take up to 48 before you are sick from food. The bacteria have to multiply to harmful levels which takes time. There is always someone that will debate this and say it happened to them, but it will have most probably been from the previous nights dinner/lunch or that days lunch
  16. nah, it's be the usual "too much alcohol and blame it on the food cos i'm too awesome and experienced to throw up from alchol"
  17. happened to me but it just held on... left me with about 10mm clutch which with an HHHDBC is enough to use lol
  18. Chech the bracket itself is still in one piece and attached properly too...
  19. camera out the window on track... naughty naughty
  20. I always have good experiences from country cops... often pulled over however always able to smooth my way out of it. just admit to what you did and let them know how much of a better experience it is being pulled over by a country cop and how bad the city cops are.. .works a treat (unless you get a city cop that's in the country for some reason THEN you are f**kED) I have said it before and i'll say it again... respect and attitude goes a LOOOOOONG way with cops
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