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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. also I do apologise... it states HKS 25/30... i think I just saw the "/" and assumed without reading properly
  2. there was a guy on here that was pushing over 450rwkw from a stock 25 that was drag raced until it popped.
  3. My view is that cams are fine as they really are a bolt on item these days.
  4. Fk this forum sucks balls... I cant even change the theme to see if that helps because the change theme link is just a link to the current page now for some reason
  5. lot of work aparently (yes i looked into it)
  6. ever thought of cleaning it?
  7. it's a 25/30... so it could have anything inside... it's realistically no different to saying "my blown LS9 makes over 300"
  8. lol... I worked with him for a while a few years back.. funny dude
  9. I thought of that, but it was a 33R seat, and it's a common fault
  10. my 33 was over 200,000 km and 20 years old, running more than double the factory power level and driven fairly hard. things that broke were virtually ALL due to modifications... snapped engine mounts (due to suspension mods and power) spun bigend bearing (due to 300+rwkw and motor age) tensioner pulley (due to cross threading and forcing by mechanic) probably the only thing on the whole car that ever failed due to build quality was the seat back
  11. how is your burger challenge going dezz? also how do you know Paulie Dessman? are you related?
  12. 100% agree... huxta's are small burgers
  13. dat euro build quality i hear so much about
  14. 2nd hand food = shit or vomit... you cant sell that
  15. err... no... it's a restaurant
  16. speaking of food... roast brisket, chimichuri and woodsmoked bonemarrow taco from the newmarket is my food of the week
  17. wait.... if i just admitted to being a hipster, that means i cant be a hipster... but by saying i'm not a hipster, that means according to the 1st rule of being a hipster, that I am in fact a hipster... oh shiiiiiiii...
  18. because i'm a hipster... duh
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