make sure you have a stanceworks sticker, a catback exhaust and pod filter with no other engine mods, a stickerbombed quaterppanel, dick-tight jeans, $300 haircut, a vintage t shirt, airbag suspension and lay frame on the dyno brah.
by that token if you raised your car it would stick out a bit too... remember they tuck in when lowererd
and becasue they are 18's
and because they are 10.5's
and becasue of the track increase
who cares if it's legal... legal rims always look shitty
sigh... so what was the outcome...not that it matters as all top gear challanges are 100% staged...
I gues what i mean is which trip were they on this time?
the "nothing is as good as an overpriced itallian supercar trip?
the "look how a cheap car with a few mods can be faster than a supercar but it's just not somfortable enough to live with trip?
or the "look at how japan is trying to take on the euro cars, sure it's faster in all aspects but we are still going to say the euro is the better choice trip?
crashing seems to be the usual method
you are both wrong... lol
if you want low you will need to pull the guards a little for those sizes... but not much
and you wont need epic camber.
reference the pics at the top of this page