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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. i was first
  2. someone buy my car already
  3. i thought that... then I remembered i might be having a child this weekend
  4. that is going to be the first thing i do tio my vii... like literally drive it home and remove headlights lol looks like a pretty simple job!
  5. i love how it's banned in soooo many places as it MAY not be healthy... well a real cigarette is DEFINATELY not healthy
  6. $350, yeh, i'll do that... it's all plug and play with the MR turbo yeh? and all up the front of course
  7. do exhaust for sure.... jjust leave the turbo for now
  8. pretty sure it's all good man
  9. do you even need to do the MR turbo aparently the stocker can hit 220 odd
  10. if yoiu ahve an evo.... t'is LOTS of info there
  11. the cressida ones are even better man... those dudes even have a fake forum with topics about pension money etc set up until you are verified as a member
  12. anyone care to join? https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.drakeford/posts/10151218481434300?comment_id=25255742&notif_t=feed_comment_reply lol
  13. rustling jizzy boi's jimmies on facebook
  14. i always get buff before i go and see an orchestra
  15. that's pretty much what i was going for.... but i'm just too monday'd to bother atm
  16. i will concede defeat... technically a copper will never put "phaggotry" on a defect notice
  17. i'll defect you for phaggotry in a minute
  18. they see you being a phaggot, and then decide to give you a defect because of the phaggotry so they give you a defect for whatever they feel like to make it "legit" pretty simple
  19. err... they hand you a defect for whatever they feel like as per the law that states officers word is 100%
  20. if the phaggotry consits of more than 5 people standing around multiple cars it constitues a hoon offence... so yeh... they can VELCOME TO MELBOURNE JA!
  21. that thing is gonna be a rocket ship with NT05's
  22. death/coffin dude
  23. i'm guessing he wont be short... but this will take a few years i hope i didn't get to 6 foot till i was 13 you read that right
  24. pram goes in boot and i only have 1 kid (well i will in a few days) so he sits behind passenger seat and the mrs cant drive manual so no issues
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