lol i realise studio and live are different... i'm sure andrew didn't fill the stadium with 11ty billion reference monitors
that's only 1 area of his job lol - poor kid gets worked to the BONE for like $75k (problem is he loves it)
Remember I was a dj/nightclub promoer and involved in studio production for a decade and have toured pretty much every major dance music producer (well the pre 05ish ones anyway) and eveyone has been phazing out ns10's since the early 2000's. we had 2 sets in our studio, and moved 1 set into the loungeroom. there is still 1 set in the studio that gets used for production, but not the final mixdown
ns10's are good reference monitors for production no doubt, but the reason for them being where they were in the industry was moreso that they dont have the best sound, and if your music sounds good on ns10's then it will sound good on anything.
if you want reference monitors for listening, then there are better options is what i'm saying.
you should hear these new ones that andrew bought man.... somewhere in ther region of 5k... they sound amazing