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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. Both. RB bottom end is an 80's design. Personally if I had a street RB25 again I'd run penrite HPR10 'full syn' 10w50
  2. I hope not lol. Have a look through the first few pages for oil reccomendations
  3. Happy new year phaggots
  4. how can you not know what oil you are using lol
  5. your mates probably gave the $$$ to IS to get you deported
  6. yes and no.... they will always be influenced more by their commissions than your rate
  7. That's how a CC should be used.... they say they want $250k pa personal expenditure for centurion (no business expenses).... that's $5k a week spending on personal shit which is why I think it's a bit of an exaggeration if it was business expenses that's easy
  8. you leave my goats out of this!
  9. Pay no attention to him. He is partially retarded
  10. We really only care about assets we will register a charge over. A car is a depreciating asset and is pretty useless to us. It's only really ever used for direct financing where the asset (roughly) depreciates in line with debt amortisation. In 99.9% of cases banks will just ask about this and not require any verification. Group certs will show your yearly figures so any overtime/bonuses etc can be considered (although this is an absolute minefield now with APRA coming down on home lending) Where I said FY14 above I meant FY15 (I deal with business financials all day and we are only just starting to see 15's now so I'm used to seeing 14's) but the 14's might as well be provided unless they are drastically worse.
  11. Yeah the centurion card is a freaking joke. They say you need to spend $250k personal on another amex etc but I don't buy it. I reckon they will give one to anyone stupid enough to pay the rediculous fees. When I was working at Cosi soooooo many people had them.
  12. Katie is a nurse so her income will fluctuate. Most recent 2 payslips and FY14 group cert will likely be required given recent changes to regulations. For good measure, 2 x payslips less than 60 days old (both) FY14 group cert and ITR and 3 months statements for any lending products you have with other institutions will probably cover most banks policy. If the deposit is cash from under the mattress (i.e. not in a savings account) you might need to verify it.... feel free to pm me if needed Can't see the bank caring about the cars though.
  13. You don't have to try hard for material when you are just being honest
  14. Your mum loves my sense of humor
  15. Welcome to the joke... douchebag
  16. Come see me. I will convert it to an equal amount of syrian pounds, free of charge.
  17. Who cares about bypassing banks? Bypassing the ATO is far more worthwhile
  18. What's cash....?
  19. Oh i thought you were referring to black cards in general
  20. Why wouldn't he have black? Black credit cards aren't special, they're just a ploy to suck people into higher rates and fees. You don't have to be on big money to get a black...
  21. Probably best to use credit cards properly and not pay interest anyway lel
  22. NAB low rate mastercard.... no fees and 50% off the advtised rate
  23. you might need to be more specific... there are multiple union issues at the moment (as always)
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