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Everything posted by joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo

  1. Seriously possible.
  2. Birds your puking rainbows snap... Olando has watched it like 50 times today
  3. So I looked at some FB post grant commented on... There are actually people (a lot of people) trying to say this video was NOT sped up. Like arguments with hundreds of replies... Seriously. https://youtu.be/6pjAK1ktjb8 How can anyone actually be that f**king stupid?
  4. I'm all for celebration. Shit wear em down to the belts and get sparks for all I care... just wait till people are off the track first
  5. Drift celebrates hard...
  6. Tell me about it... Ay-ay-ron can't even make it past there with 4WD and no smoke!
  7. Haven't seen the vid but cant see why he couldn't wait until people were off the track
  8. Excellent snap Birds
  9. If there were still cars on the track then he's a f**kknuckle. Remember what happened to Beau Yates when Rattla did that? Nearly killed both drivers
  10. Motorsport will never grow while CAMS is running it
  11. Nah, then it wouls just be a Ferrari fest and the wogs would NEVER get tired of it
  12. Should be a NO rules class
  13. I was wondering where you were.
  14. As discussed earlier
  15. So how did Mr 1950's himself formally resign as prime minister. He sent a mother f**king fax. LOL
  16. There is not much better than a 2am post service feed and beers at super inn.
  17. Saw photos of Brae... do not want
  18. Technically his wife made the booking and dragged him there
  19. On the plus side you do single handedly represent 85% of tooth count So that's something I guess
  20. Actually Al, you barrak for the dogs don't you? I thank that actually puts you below middle.
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