I really can't be fkd going too deeply into it, but most of those theories popularised in films like loose change etc have been debunked.Thing is when you watch a 911 doco with an agenda, you only get one side of the story and only get "experts" from one side aswell.
Everyone also goes on about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt the steel but that's not entirely true. A planeload of jet fuel igniting in a split second is taking the temperature up rapidly, not slowly like in melting point tests.
Think of a thin glass that comes out of the fridge. Put water in it and slowly heat it up to 100c and nothing happens. Pour already boiling water into it and it will most likely crack or even shatter instantly. Glass has a melting point of ~1500c.
Then you have the idiots quoting the number of jews that weren't in the building that morning, whiles at the same time leaving out the number of non jews that weren't in the building that same day...
Clearly the passport surviving the crash/heat is fake but that doesn't make it a pre-mediated attack, all that says is that they took advantage of the situation.
All in all we won't ever really know what happened that day beyond planes hittung buildings.