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Everything posted by infiltrator

  1. well its been a while but here is what i have done so far Some 'glass to hold things in the right place... more 'glass 'n' mdf almost done one box... the other just started
  2. Car'n THE PIES!!!!!!!!!! HOT HOT HOT PIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 6 Life Truths: 1) You can't stick your tongue out & look up at the same time, it's a physical impossibility. 2) All idiots after reading number 1 tried it. 3) And discover number 1 is a lie. 4) You are smiling now because you are an idiot. 5) You will soon copy & paste this to catch other idiots. 6) There is still a stupid smile on your face. I sincerely apologize about this, but I'm an idiot and I needed company :)

  4. that + Y33 front = awesome!
  5. Gym = Done... Ps. Libby Montgomery did an extra set just for you :)

  6. Looks like a Nissan Cima Y33 like this one... http://img190.imageshack.us/my.php?image=infinityq45cima.jpg
  7. mmm looks awesome what ever it is
  8. Let's see who truly reads my status... you and I wake up in a police car handcuffed together. Using three words only, what would you say to me? Note: if you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good egg and play along. (3 word limit is hard)!

  9. thinking... The second generation off wii will be wii2? Or will it be 'us'??

  10. We are EXPECTING! !!!! I know, I know pretty crazy isn't it?? I really don't want to believe it myself. I wasn't going to put it on here, because it will be obvious soon enough, but thought I needed to make it official. So now you know, its official. We are EXPECTING another Cold day tomorrow!! Wait! What did you think I meant?? LOL! ** Re-post if you have a sense of humor-like me!!

  11. McLEOD TREES.... WHAT f**kING TOOLS! wont be laughing when i send the clean up bill thats for sure.... heheh ill have the last laugh!

  12. I just realised.... We sit and stare at a screen...We talk and smile to ourselves.... We have imaginary friends and farms, cities and fake animals...we cook imaginary food in imaginary bakery's.... We poke people and think its ok....... we even write on walls.... Think about it.... Facebook is a mental hospital ....and we are all... patients..... ...Feel free to steal this....I just did!... Party in my ward!!

  13. so driving to get a late night Kebab... some dumb shit in a Stolen commdore drives on the wrong side of the road, no lights on, and almost kills me... then i turn the street and his mate is writhing around on the ground in hand cuffs... looks like he jumped out of the car, as it was going, and hurt him self bad... haha SUFFER TO HIM....



  16. Please copy and paste this as your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone that may know someone who knows anyone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of anyone who doesn't know anyone that doesn't know someone, then still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh, and the hearts. ♥♥ Don't forget the hearts. ♥♥ 97% of people were probably confused reading this.

  17. All 80's on Video hits >>>> WOOP YEAH

  18. What unit did you use Adam?
  19. Orange-White / Orange / Green-White / Blue / Blue-White / Green / Brown-White / Brown

  20. mmm awesome Total lunar eclipse

  21. mmm kangaroo filets with pepper and mushroom sauce for dinner... :)

  22. Half the team missing.. still a shalacking of Melbourne! HOT HOT HOT PIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. f**k DIRECT FREIGHT.... ther company slogan...... When its urgent... this means when the company thinks its urgent.. not when the customer thinks its urgent....

  24. Frame here. looks the goods... extra reinforcement where the old one failed. w00t

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