no one said they fudge figures. Im sure their is a correct and incorrect way to strap a car on, and as long as my car doesnt come flying off im fine with it.
I said before shaun used to prefer using the hc over the lappie, but i havent spoken to him since he aquired the datalogit. Its all personal preference.
Shaun is a professional in what i want done with my car. Im not a dyno whore. I take my car to shaun for a quick tune - a quick tune.
Its not on the rollers for as long as u say "to get the tyres sticky" Its on their long enough to check afrs, and give it a quick going over. If i wanted more id ask for it. Everytime ive come back from a tune with Shaun the car has felt great, and used less petrol, and knock was minimal.
Im happy. So are you. everyone wins.