Yeah you can get alarms that are connected to a phone and call/sms your phone. Just get a shitty old phone on pre-paid for the alarm.
But I wouldnt trust it.
The front suspension in my 32 GTS-T has developed a loud squeek when going over bumps, as far as I can tell its coming from the very top of the strut, The bushes were recently replaced so i think its something else.
Any suggestions?
I wouldnt put a coil in the hosing incase the turbo swallows it. Maybe as a tempory soloution put a coil on the outside of the hosing and attach it with some glue or something. Then perhaps when you get an fmic change the piping to alloy.
Id say its your battery, when mine died it did exactly as you described. All I could here was a rapid ticking when i turned the key and the engine would not crank. Also the battery voltage dropped to 7v :Oops:
Perhaps just see if you can borrow a good battery as a test, I stole my dads for a while.
They will most likely pass it, aslong as tyres, brakes and lights are fine. And seat belts are in good nick, should be fine. I got my RWC with un-sheiled pod, Bov, etc. But i had to get new tyres.
I have the same problem, unlucky for me its been shitty weather as of late so i cant do it. But make sure you seal the light, i can see where the problem is on mine, there is a gap the the top of the light. So water runs down the gap on the side of the bonnet straight over this gap. Have to wait for it to dry out inside the globe then ill seal it.
Yeah thats what i figured, im just a little nervous about changing the pump as replacements have most likely done as many K's and might be no better, are later model RB25 pumps the same?
Already done that FAT32, but nothing seems wrong, because its probably down the bottom somewhere.
Luckily i have free access to a hoise for a few hours tomorrow :D