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Everything posted by Gazzilla

  1. Dont know what 300Rwkw GTT u been in, But I've been in a few that would blitz Many $80k+ 300kw 8's, Investing in a good differential, suspension and Tyres Helps tho. If I was able to spend 15-20K on my one. It would be an absolute weapon.
  2. No Fighter Jets in BF:BC2 tho.. I just hope its minimum 32 player online.
  3. IS that Tommy on the Left? A.K.A Zyzz??? LOL.. that dood has become a star on Misc BB.
  4. LoL.. so funny, yet so true. Hey welcome to the forums.. I like your choice of car. nice n clean too, unlike mine. Nice crotch Rocket too. we should race, my worked yz250F against anything u got .
  5. I didnt even know Airsoft were available in AUS?? if so.. Im in too.
  6. How can you play a FPS with a control pad.. ridiculous.
  7. well If my eyes are telling me correctly, I have 1000 seeders for this one.
  8. BRB downloading CODMW2 PC Torrent!
  9. I hear that NZ will be getting the uncut version.. if so think i will ebay one from over there. Also the UK also get the uncut version.
  10. yea dood, your not alone.. I cant wait for this either, gonna shit all over CODMW2. I still have a bit of an addiction to BF2, but will be giving it up after 5 long years when this comes out. Just hope it has the gameplay value that BF2 does also the big 64 player maps.. Gonna try get on the PC beta list too.
  11. Willing to separate the two units?
  12. how much for the NV pack?
  13. I got this on PC with momo wheel..havnt played for a couple of days.. but awesome game nonetheless whats everyone's fastest Nordschliefe times ? Ive spent hours fine tuning dampers and suspension and the rest of it With the Pagani Zonda R. Best time is 6:40 can go faster I think.
  14. Supra has NOS, Fail in my books!
  15. ok, No flange tonite :0(.... So im in..
  16. Yea sweet as.. Me and my bro spent like 4 months time-trailing each other on nordschleife On GTR2. this will be mad on Sim mode.Cant wait.. WHen is it coming out?
  17. Looks very similar to what the Mclaren F2... but the Mclaren is hotter IMO
  18. you guys Never played Vietcong?
  19. I cant understand why the NV goggles pack is only $200 bucks... Surely NV goggles are worth atleast $400 min on their own.. Anyhoo, if it really is only $200, and these NV's are as good as their made out to be, I think I may just pre-order the PS3 pack and sell it all except the NV goggles and buy the PC version.hmmmmmm.. /In b4 late night peeping Toms
  20. dood!!...youtube has a 4 min(I think) ingame video of CODMW2.. go watch it. its off the hook.
  21. This game Is Fail galore. Looks half decent on a GTX295. still rather dated tho. gameplay is slow and drab.. I played the demo. spent half the time just running to get to battles.. getting your head around all the nagivation stuff / commands / controls. will take Yonks! u never know where u get shot from, and when u do reliase, its to late.. not to mention the ridiculous amount of Bugs in this game.. Ive played pretty much most of the militarty FPS games that have come out in the last decade.. this game is lucky to get a 6/10. CODMW2 and OFP2 will be loads better even tho MW2 is not a sim.. but all these games coming out are just Fillers until BF3 comes out next year.
  22. Alright .. Im free and In.. send me the Deets yo!
  23. Stumbled across this site the other day. Hope not a repost, A Number of Very expensive cars hot lapping on the Nordschleife with In-car camera in really good quality Video. Enjoy http://www.supercarmovies.com/html/interface.html
  24. Wasteland!
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