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About Marco-R34GTT

  • Birthday May 6

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    The woghetto

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    R34 GTT, VL Berlina (RIP)
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  1. But... RPM limits though...
  2. Not looking forward to the flaccid phallus front noses... Can we just have these back plz (with slicks of course)!
  3. Ugh! The Merc..... NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Meh, Button it is.... Btw, these piddly rear wings still piss me off, the proportion of the cars is still f*cked... FIA what have you done??
  4. If that is hiding a bloody step-nose I may have to back Button this year....
  5. So given my ideal build (3.0 or 3.2) with either turbo setup, and modified intake and exhaust manifold, wouldn't be a problem in the speed series events then?
  6. Well I don't really know what I want to do with it, or more to the point, how certain regulation may affect what I could possibly compete in or not. My lack of familiarity with regulations is making my ability to decide one way or another more difficult that I would like. However for the record, I wouldn't be racing outside of WA for at minimum 2 years, maybe longer. I would like to start at a fun with mates/club event car, with having the ability to evolve it into something more serious as my driver skills improve and ability to fund the project grows in time. Hence why I'm asking the question, I'm really not wanting to balls this up, hence me consulting the higher gods so-to-speak! Whilst I appreciate the advice, this isn't really a plausible solution. My engine builder has already sourced an RB30 block, my head has already had good money spent on it, and in that case I am already a little limited in what avenues I can take. Exactly, I need my car to remain partially useful as a daily for at least 18 months, and yes, while I do feel I am a decent driver. I have yet to cut my teeth proper on a race track or a timed event (RAC/AHG aside), I do feel that I do have inadequate skills to step up to something like targa right away. I reckon the 30/32 with a single would be awesomely responsive, particularly if I do pick a suitable turbo to match it. Cheers for the advice guys
  7. Mate that isn't really fair, growing up in the country really made it impossible to pursue motorsport in any form, it was practically inaccessible (Sport meant you were awesome at footy, cricket or tennis at a strech). It is not through a lack of dedication, desire or passion to do targa, just due to my personal circumstances at present that avenue really isn't isn't available to me, however, I'd love to give it a crack in the near future! :-) I don't disagree, I just don't think I'm able to build a competitive car given how much the big boys pour into their cars. In the end I'm trying to work out what approach I'll take with this build, and if it so happens targa is an option so-be it. However I have had my heart set on building a stroker, I'd love to go that way, and if I can do some amateur racing in it, even better! Killerwasps hahaha, I nearly forgot that ad lol!
  8. Well I don't really know yet, as I said I was looking at targa but I just don't think it will work given what I have in mind for the build. For starters it would be a bit of 'competitive fun', stuff against the clock, no door-to-door paint trading stuff yet, I don't feel anywhere near experienced enough to do so and I should work up to that (also, I would require a daily, which I am also working towards). In time, given that I will have more money to commit, and a daily driver down the track, I intend to gradually make it more and more hardcore, to which point I will have it stripped and caged. I'm running Bilstein PSS9 coil-overs, I had them recommended by WA suspensions and I even had the sales rep (who is also a SAUWA club official) tune the suspension with/for me at a few events. I must say I cannot complain about them one bit! Cheers for your help mate, I have to decide on this build rather soon, so any assistance is much appreciated!
  9. I've always liked the idea of having a responsive engine. Would happily sacrifice big numbers for an engine with a meaty power-curve and responsive free-revving characteristics. In terms of engine power I've always been more concerned as to the way an engine makes power rather than just peak power. The engine builder suggesting going the way of twin turbos, and I am open to the suggestion. However there are two things for me to consider. Firstly, it is double the cost, and two, rather than one component that could possibly fail; and secondly, how it would work in consideration with abiding by regulations of certain categories of racing and so on. Cheers for the reply mate, I appreciate it. As I said I do have to make this decision rather soon and the more advice I can get my hands on the better.
  10. Hey guys, If it isn't too much trouble, I wanted to tap into the vast knowledge pool of SAUWA to assist me through a bit of a predicament I find myself in at present. I have for a couple of years now been tossing up whether or not to do an RB 30 build (or equivalent 2.8, 3.0 or 3.2 options and so on), and now I have committed to completing my engine build (for the record, my head is already worked, cammed, ported & polished ect). I'm at a point I'd like to complete the build and get it out of the way, but obviously I'd like to do it once and do properly (If that means the difference between a half-arsed 20k build or a proper 30k so be it). The crux of my problem is that I would also like to involve myself in some competition in the near future, I was aiming for Targa but have since been talked out of it (not in a peer pressure sense, but weight up the economics and the technical aspects and it isn't at all worth my while), so I'm looking for alternatives. My build is likely to feature a nitto stroker kit (3.0 or even 3.2), hopefully a solid turbo (my tuner has recommended a single garret turbo and my engine builder a TT set up he's taken from an RB26 with reconditioned snails), I'll have to upgrade injectors and while I was at it I was thinking of going to a front facing plenum (mainly to reduce piping and simplifying the layout in the engine bay), as well as going to a 6Boost manifold (I may as well while I'm at it...). HOWEVER, I find that targa and even improved production don't allow displacement increases. ie: Which in essence suggests that swept volume cannot be increased from stock (hence no stroking), and also, I understand that induction remaining unmodified means no alterations to intake manifold or turbocharger (or TT set-up). Also, Which I guess rules out exhaust manifold too.. I'm a bit at sea with all this, and I do need to make up my mind soon about what direction I take and how I go about the build. Also, if I may say so now, I have already spent the best part of 4k on suspension (Bilstein coil-overs all round, camber arms & traction rods), and I've also got some R34 Brembos lined up as well as increased cooling capacity. I'm not here for a dyno queen or a one-hit-wonder, I'm prepared to do it properly. I guess what I'm asking as well, is given the nature of my build, what categories would there be available to me if I were to proceed with the set-up I've described?? Thanks guys, I'll appreciate any useful or constructive feedback!
  11. Hey guys, If it isn't too much trouble, I wanted to tap into the vast knowledge pool of SAUWA to assist me through a bit of a predicament I find myself in at present. I have for a couple of years now been tossing up whether or not to do an RB 30 build (or equivalent 2.8, 3.0 or 3.2 options and so on), and now I have committed to completing my engine build (for the record, my head is already worked, cammed, ported & polished ect). I'm at a point I'd like to complete the build and get it out of the way, but obviously I'd like to do it once and do properly (If that means the difference between a half-arsed 20k build or a proper 30k so be it). The crux of my problem is that I would also like to involve myself in some competition in the near future, I was aiming for Targa but have since been talked out of it (not in a peer pressure sense, but weight up the economics and the technical aspects and it isn't at all worth my while), so I'm looking for alternatives. My build is likely to feature a nitto stroker kit (3.0 or even 3.2), hopefully a solid turbo (my tuner has recommended a single garret turbo and my engine builder a TT set up he's taken from an RB26 with reconditioned snails), I'll have to upgrade injectors and while I was at it I was thinking of going to a front facing plenum (mainly to reduce piping and simplifying the layout in the engine bay), as well as going to a 6Boost manifold (I may as well while I'm at it...). HOWEVER, I find that targa and even improved production don't allow displacement increases. ie: Which in essence suggests that swept volume cannot be increased from stock (hence no stroking), and also, I understand that induction remaining unmodified means no alterations to intake manifold or turbocharger (or TT set-up). Also, Which I guess rules out exhaust manifold too.. I'm a bit at sea with all this, and I do need to make up my mind soon about what direction I take and how I go about the build. Also, if I may say so now, I have already spent the best part of 4k on suspension (Bilstein coil-overs all round, camber arms & traction rods), and I've also got some R34 Brembos lined up as well as increased cooling capacity. I'm not here for a dyno queen or a one-hit-wonder, I'm prepared to do it properly. I guess what I'm asking as well, is given the nature of my build, what categories would there be available to me if I were to proceed with the set-up I've described?? Thanks guys, I'll appreciate any useful or constructive feedback!
  12. That would be an epic win of immeasurable proportions!
  13. Too bad the Ferrari (and other step-nosed atrocities) look like they've been extracted out of an ogre's butthole...
  14. http://planetf1.com/driver/18227/7498927/McLaren-brush-off-nose-concernsNo shitty step-nose for the Mac?I think I may have to back team brit until the Fez can get their shit together (I feel so dirty saying that, but I do like Button, it is like wanting old mate Mika to do well haha).Please, spare me the form>function jibe... Many a winning car have been beautiful machines in their own respect. I think the only team that have made the step-nose look half decent is Lotus (old Renault), with an honourable mention to Redbull. The rest are absolutely crapola!Please please please Merc, do not release a bloody step-nose!
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