I have a second hand NUR with front pipe available for $850 not including delivery.....or spend the money and get a http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page22.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/l131097130/&thumb=http://auctions.c.yimg.jp/f32batchimg.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/7/0/5/5/abm_japan_17-thumb-1340724274691680.jpg&title=R%20evo%20M35%20NM35%20VQ25DET%20790%2014933
Boost controller - Profec B II is the best atm.....HDI is good as well.....make ebay your friend.
Plenum Spacer contact iamhe77(Cam)
I might also suggest Scott's coolant Mod if your contacting him on the dump.
Good decision with the FMIC....work on getting the exhaust done next. Also drill out the banjo to about 2mm on the Oil feed for the turbo at the front of the motor and get yourself onto a grade 4 or 5 oil as soon as possible and you should get some good longevity on the turbo depending on how its been serviced in Japan and how much boost you run.
where are you located?