Thanks for the reply looks like a good result, very helpful, especially the note on cold start as these features are critical for a regularly driven car.
I would have preffered to keep my car very stock except I had the unfortunate experience of stock turbos failing and taking out the engine. So now i'm running a forged engine, 2860-5's but most of the rest of the engine is stock (dumps, front pipes, AFMs, injectors, head). Although in the future, once my wallet recovers (if ever) the aforementioned items will likely be changed to allow higher power - hopefully close to 380awkw eventually. So I am really curious to see if and how nistune will handle those types of changes - AFMs and injectors particuarly - whilst maintianing the factory ECU hardware. Anyone using nistune who has changed AFMs and/or injectors (especially GTR's)? could you please comment on drivability with these changes.
Keep the results and comments coming.