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    93 R32 GTS-T
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  1. Will be checking all earth wires this weekend. thankz guys
  2. so far so good.after cleaning aac and re-soldering afm, car seem to run good. My car idles at 950rpm if i put it down anymore it would stall frequently.Is this ok to leave it at 950.
  3. yeh thankz guys for all your advices and help. Going to borrow a mates afm and see how she goes from there.I've yet check the acc valve but will check that out also. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress. Much appreciated guys
  4. Hey guys, since buying the R32 gts-t about a month now i seem to be encountering a few problems. #1 seem to crank the car more than once to get it to turn over,if i crank it once and give it a lil foot on the gas it will start fine. If i don't give it a foot it will shake and jerk then stalk without the engine even starting up yet. When i hear the sound & running of the fan thats what im refering to when i say engine not starting up yet. #2 The car seem to run good every so often,but when it stalls on you like this it gives u the shits.It will stall at red lights, stalls while the turbo timer is running even stalks sometimes when im driving. Most of the times i feel it in my gear down shifting,gears doesn't feel like its been down shifted and when i come to a stop then looking at my rpm its reading way over the 1000rpm mark, then splat the car stalls. The revs will go pass 1000rpm then drop down and stalk. Down shifting gears is suppose to feel like the car is slowing down and u can hear the engine doing that, When the revs is high and im down shifting i don't hear that, come to idle at red light if revs over 1000rpm it will drop then stall. #3 Why is my car jerking alot now . The car seem to jerk alot when i give it. I ease off the gas and try again it will jerk. Jerk violently sometimes. The other night i wanted to give it so i down shift to 4th the car didn't go nowhere,the revs didn't move.So i couldnt even down shift to see how the car would go.Felt like some kind of blockage. Could it be something to do with the sparkies i just put in. I've read about how you suppose to regap them,but not to sure if it is the sparkies. Yeh sorry guys for blabing on,i apologies but i do need some help . If anyone could help out that would be great.thankz guys
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