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Everything posted by hylian

  1. Sorry, I meant htc desire hd. A friend had one through Vodafone and it was only available on that network apparently due to it only supporting a certain frequency. Will have to see how much it will be to pay out my contract, it may end up cheaper just to buy one from synnex
  2. Home button on my iFail is starting to not respond. Fark. Looking at a HTC Desire, only problem is Vodafone only offer it, since I'm with three do you think they will work together? I also discovered recently i won't get my opens till April. Fuuuuu. Apparently if you don't take your p2 test straight away it adds on time. 1 year on p1, 2 on p2, I did 1.3 on p1.
  3. Well done mang. If you're allowed to say, what company do you work for?
  4. Everyone on my floor has disappeared. Sitting here in silence by myself. Have a feeling I'm missing out on free food. Aw. I had a mainboard die 2 weeks after I bought it through Umart, said it would take 4 weeks for it to come back so I just bought another. It would be better if they could just give you a replacement straight up. Seagate and WD is all I will touch, my boss bought 2 1tb samsung drives for a machine we were building that he needed same day, few weeks later we had to rebuild the raid as a drive had failed, a month or so later the other drive died and we just ended up putting seagates in. I just prefer to spend the extra and get a more reliable drive, have seen DOA Seagates but the failure rate isn't as high as I have seen with Samsung. Then again, it could just be a bad batch of Samsungs we encountered.
  5. Where did you buy it from? Places like umart and msy have horrible warranty services, best off buying a new one
  6. You used to be able to buy a set like this from samsung, for a couple of grand
  7. silver r32 gtr in albany creek, sounded awesome
  8. Sattelite M200 Comes with a vista license but I have put windows 7 on it. Intel dual pentium 1.86ghz 1gb ram - I will grab a 1gb stick from work next week and put it in there though dvd burner, wireless, webcam, all that shit 15" widescreen I've reformatted it and I was going to give it to the missus to use for her tafe but she's instead opted to use my macbook pro so I don't have a lot of need for this anymore. Thinking around the 4,500 mark. It's in perfect condition but I may end up putting a new 500gb hdd in there, just so noone can retrieve my shit (work stuff) If anyone else is keen, I'll ride shotgun with someone.
  9. Make sure you install the latest drivers for your hardware from the websites, eg. ati/nvidia and get the official driver package. Windows sometimes installs the hardware for you, but the manufacturers drivers are a lot better . EDIT: Anyone wanna buy a Toshiba laptop?
  10. If your at bnr when I'm at bnr I'll buy you a freddo for your trouble.
  11. It must have been the newie night where lots of people turn up. Next week it'll be four shady characters sitting at a table scaring all the customers away
  12. What people actually showed up? I feel I need to own a skyrine to be there. Otherwise I just stand there awkwardly. At least if I had a skyline everyone would ask what it's story is for 5 minutes then I would stand there awkwardly.
  13. I've just spent the last ten minutes refreshing the page and clicking random threads. There's an ad up the top of the page for hairloss and it had a woman in it, it made me lol. Hey guys
  14. John is new best friend for the week. I noticed there's been a fair few police out this week, must be out recouping costs after they had to take time off from fining people in the floods.
  15. White GTST near stafford this evening, with what appeared to be a my family sticker on the rear window
  16. Someone should add me to facebook and we can be best friends Friday tomorrow! 12 days till I get paid.
  17. There was also this old white dude who would roll around on an old people scooter and sell drugs off it. He'd cruise down our street to 7/11 and I still see him when I drive past
  18. Lived there for six months. In the first week we had a darky come up to the house, ask for a cigarette and try sell us pot. In that 6 months we saw undercover police do a raid on the house across the street, child welfare take a kid away, a black kid across the street of 8 years old steal his dads van and drive off down the street, raging parties with a mob of 50 - 70 people walking down the street. It was interesting.
  19. Was just thinking it's a good thing I moved from Mackay a few years ago. Sorry for bashing the Stain's. I've driven through with the windows up and doors locked but I've been a northsider all my life and have never wanted to venture near the stain's or logan. Lived in Zillmere for a while, now that was exhilarating.
  20. I have heard people call it hardcore in techno form. I don't see what the fuss about it is though, through some wubwubwub's in with a line out of a popular movie and you've got yourself a dubstep track. While I agree it would take skill to create it unlike the rest of that pop shit on the radio, I don't find it enthralling or in any way different to techno itself. I suppose some people would say the same about metal like there's no difference between bring me the horizon and mastodon.
  21. I don't like dubstep. It's the electronic equivalent of the sound of your suspension in your vp commodore compressing when fat bitches get in your car at 3pm outside Browns Plains high school.
  22. By the way, what the f**k is this dub step shit that's coming out these days? It's not tuned low enough.
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