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Everything posted by hylian

  1. And we weren't invited because................................?
  2. Mangs Trains stopped running this morning, an hour late and the client didn't care! Winning.
  3. I think I did pretty well today with the rain, I was inside all day when I was at work (have quit smoking again) so I missed it and when I came out from Chermside tonight it had just stopped, so I think I did alright. Who wants to buy my falcon? Need room for 26 powered.
  4. Most of those guys have just moved up over time. Happen to be in the right place at the right time and network their way around the company. Everyone reckons qualifications will land you the bucks but it's certainly who you know when you're inside the company. One of the guys up north started off as an apprentice sparky 10 years ago, now the electrical engineering manager for the project. I'm hoping to do a bit of project management myself soon as I often find myself directing most of the other teams around when we're doing project work. Not many people take too well to a 21 year old telling em' what to do! Also, have an eboost 2 black face here for sale, used, no box. Perfect working condition (not like anything can go wrong with these anyway). New ones retail around the $795 from justjap, it's for my housemate so make an offer. He was considering the $450 mark.
  5. Ours are a bit more flexible as we contract to the client and while IT is a critical service each of us are easily replaced so it's not like a site supervisor where if you're missing for 10 minutes the whole plant could fall apart. To the right people, supervisors with experience on site are big dollar positions, some of the project directors I know of are on the better side of 400.
  6. 7/7 is only used on two sites, groote eyelandt and the one in Mt Isa, I think because they're both quite remote. 20k is the site allowance annually. There's also away from home allowance of $14 per day, as well as the 4.5 hours overtime we have to do as they work 12 hour days. It works out to be around 370 per day. They pay for accomodation, your food, internet etc.
  7. It's out on site at Groote Eyelant, they fly you to either Darwin or Cairns. Cairns would be my pick as I'd like to still live in Brisbane. I'm considering the position but it could be difficult with already renting here, have gf here etc.
  8. That is actually the case here Just been offered a position up in NT, 20k more a year on a 7 on 7 off roster, flights to cairns paid for. Interesting.
  9. So we walked to the botanical gardens. Chillaxed there for a while and then went back to waterfront place. Now, 30+ floors of people, all trying to get into the lifts at the same time. Sigh. Get back, new guy who's on more money than I am apparently can't distinguish the difference between a work order and a trouble ticket. Headfark. Also, my non official mrs is in NY at the moment. Pretty cold I hear.
  10. Work is also shit at my end today. We just had the annual fire evacuation, 20 floors of stairs is never a good idea.
  11. I've asked you before, but I was hoping for specifics - what do you do in IT? System admin, engineer, helpdesk bitch, etc? I'm in corporate land IT, but I'd like to know what it's like working for a smaller company in terms of wages and responsibilities, as well as career development. In. I'm free any night of the week except for next thursday! 07 3209 is usually loganholme if you're trying to establish what suburb the number is from.
  12. A ribs night is definitely in order if he gets his hands on more vouchers. The only vouchers I have are $5 feeds in Postoffice square. We were at the Hooters on the GC. There's a sick mini golf course next door that we also went to.
  13. We had 1kg ribs at hooters last year, they were pretty farkin' good. It's hard to get good ribs these days. Will defs have to take advantage of this deal.
  14. This was all I saw when I opened this thread. KEEN. Edit: 500 posts!?!!?! Edit again: A while ago the guys here went out for ribs somewhere up here, I think it was Warner Tavern? What nights was the cheap ribs thing on, I wanted to go but I think the mrs at the time was being a b!tch.
  15. Best for sale thread, evar.
  16. Who owns 31-FTW? I've seen that car in my area a few times.
  17. I'm 21, have been smoking since I was 17. Started off because a mate of mine did it and offered them to me when we were drinking and eventually got into it myself. Girlfriend of the past 2 1/2 years also smoked as well as 95% of my friends and work mates. A couple of months ago I was inspired by someone on here, different thread, who had quit smoking. I was doing well, had this idea that I would purchase a packet on the sunday and would gradually cut my way down until I was down to 1 a day, then just forget about it. It worked well, and managed to make that packet last me 2 weeks. Then I was having 1 every few days and then none. I still had the mentality that smoking would make me feel better so I would get a bit frustrated with someone or something and would say "flap, I need a cigarette" but instead would go stand outside and chew some gum for a few minutes. This all went pretty well until the girlfriend thing ended and I was basically about to hit rock bottom so I started smoking again. Looking back I think I actually started smoking more every day and I got to a point where I realised I was doing bad, normally I would have around 8 a day, I was pushing 20 a day. I met a girl and she didn't hate it, but wasn't all for the idea of smoking. I also sorted out all my finances (previously spent most of the relationship with the ex paying her rent and generally supporting her while she pissed her money up the wall) and am now in a position to look for my perfect 33 GTR. Girl is currently overseas for the next 2 weeks so yesterday I left the cigarettes at home and went to work cigarette free. Did the same today, so far I've had 4 over the past 48 hours. Can't say I'm looking forward to the withdrawls as I know what to expect from last time. It's interesting, I experienced the same side affects as when I got off my anti depressants many years ago. Am looking forward to feeling healthier and more money to spend on car related items though.
  18. I doubt many cafe go-ers would want to see my dirty BA sitting in their cafe. I would need a fair decent anchor point anyway! Good place for me to sell it though: 2 owners, roof lining in average condition, miss fire when floggin' it, 4 doors fits more wh0res. 2xbox controllers, 1 fishtank, r33 viscous diff and $500 cash my way. EDIT: I don't actually want any of the above in trade for my car, if you do want to buy it, you're looking 10k for an 05 BA MKII XR6, prem sound, needs rooflining done, new tires and coilpacks. (although I plan on doing all this myself in a week or so anyway)
  19. Of all the things to be in a cafe in the valley (See attachment)
  20. Is that the clean as fark midnight purple 33 gtst? Then it's all let down when you look at the white interior, the gauges in the dash on the passenger side (I still don't get why they put them here) with the slushbox? RE: Thursday - I usually go to Hanaichi at chermside, that's probably not what you were aiming for though. Lotus Notes isn't opening for me today........ no work to do.. woo!
  21. What's that in your aircon vent? Love the car, can't wait to see what else comes out of it.
  22. Need to get in quick - they reckon they're about to sell out.
  23. In Flames just announced for Soundwave 2012. Possibly my most loved band in the world. Here's a video so everyone else can like them too.
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