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Silvia GTR

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Posts posted by Silvia GTR

  1. once again, if they had proper purification techniques, if they actually bothered, they'd be getting their hits, and not burning themselves. yet those who do illicit drugs aren't usually the smarter ones eh?

    chemistry can be described as a recipe, but a very very complex one. with a multitude of skills required. looks like i could go to russia and make some moneh.

    If you got the skills, stay here and make coke laughing-smiley-014.gif

  2. The old days of drug smuggling is over, these days you can McGuyver-yourself-up a hit with kitty litter, some detergent and window cleaner. The majority of addicts suffer depression; some are drug induced and some were previously depressed before getting hooked on drugs (IMO 90% easily). At the increasing rate of suicide each year and of those being drug addicts, you cant really kill off 'druggies'.

    "Dont hate the player, hate the game"

  3. Tell him to check with local and surrounding suburbs fuel stations if you already havent.

    And check my thread on this page and copy over all the info from it if it is not already on fb. I honesltly dont think people are aware of how bad this is atm.

  4. Can we please have an active topics button (or direct me to it if i have missed it) to view all active topics in automotive,mod and maintenance,the world and other things and this feedback section.

    I like to see all currently active topics across the board. i only really scour general,skylines,forced induction and n/a because those are the sections im interested in and 95% of my forum use is via my mobile. but if a topic i could be interested in or have some input came up in active topics from a section i don't normally check then i would be aware of it and view it. hope this makes sense.


    Active topics ftw!!!!

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