9 years now. ive worked as a contractor the whole time (no sick pay or holidays or shit like that) and havent really had a holiday ever so its getting the better of me atm.
is that your 32? very straight n tidy. nice ride man! im thinking about getting rid of my 33gtst late this year and getting a 32gtr in 2004..... mmmmm gtr
i draw houses and roads and concrete and steel and shit.
ive been up to the coast about 7 weekends in a row! might try to stay home this weekend. wot do u do for a crust MM
well i used to live on the gold coast for a while before moving here. work bought me down here and i was sick of the gold coast and needed change. i move every year
im pretty much in the same boat as you. i'll find out the best option after i get a coola... alum. gets hot quick, but on the other hand it cools quick too so i dunno. and strenght is questionable in my opinion too...