went to their place today and talked about gtr's some more and took them for a ride in my gtst. they own a hsv senator atm. gave them a demo of the gtst and they were like - fu(k this is heaps quicker that the senator and it corners so well accelarates so hard - and this is a gts!!??? were definately gettin a gtr!! _anywas they loved it and thats great
i pulled into a serveo a few days ago and a guy came up to me and asked about my car - said he wanted to buy a gtr for his girlfriend so she can flog the fu(k outta wrx's anyway.....
dave - you say sucking noise is louder, i rekon this is actually the bov leaking. pull it apart and check the piston and spring, or just throw another one on. so yeah - i rekon its the bov leaking above about 9psi from what youre describing.