6 points - speeding -qld
4 points - speeding -qld
1 point - speeding -qld
came close after those 3 fines
6 points - speeding -qld
3 points - burnout -nsw
1 point - speeding -nsw
1 point - speeding -qld
and very close again
somehow, i've managed to spread those fines out nicely and have never been suspended looking at that tells me i used to be a fast driver. got 6 back 9 months ago so i 7 points now.
damn shameful list of fines really!
Theres a place on the gold coast that repairs motherboards video cards, anything on a pcb board. I'll find out who they are and post back later.
james: we plugged the datalogit in and it said : "This version of PowerFC not supported yet." Gav couldnt write anything to it, but could read it, so he downloaded it and emailed it to datalogit and they cracked it.