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Everything posted by HeathGTST

  1. HeathGTST


    just ordered them from race brakes. 193 each... not to bad i didnt think
  2. HeathGTST


    Hey guys... Where is the best place to get brake rotors from? and what brands should I look for?
  3. maybe the car broke down and a passing by car through a rock through the window or sumthing.... Whos knows... It has happened on the monash freeway a few times... You know its quite funny, I have never seen a broken down Skyline on the side of the road. Just goes to show you how good these cars are.... I would hate to think the car has been stolen though!
  4. The GTST R33 im just about to buy has a GT 25/35 turbo on it running 1 bar boost and making 250rwkw. Its running on 1 bar boost all the time... Could this be too high for daily driving?? Should I invest in a dual stage boost controller??
  5. hows many klms has the car done?? Who tuned the enginge?
  6. Hmmm there is merrit in what everyone is saying however its a case by case situation. Im 20 and im just about to buy an R33 GTS-T. From my many years of racing experience in Formula 3 not only in Australia but also overseas I have learnt that you must treat speed with the upmost respect. I also was an advanced and high speed driving instructor part time aswell, and being in a car with some of the drivers that instructed was scarey. I just dont think people understand what happens when a car becomes out of control and how little control they have - I know, Ive been there. I have had a few big spins in my Formula 3 and its FARKING scarey and once the car is sideways you are just a passenger. I think we need to ask ourselves at times, even in a controled enviroment and at a relatively low speed, are we really in 100% control of the car - I dont think so. I do however feel for the families of the young passengers but I dont feel for the driver of the car.
  7. The stamp duty if 4% for all used cars, so it will cost me a little bit of cash. I just thought maybe being an import the would want import approval papers and all, I just dont want to get messed about by the clowns down at Vicroads
  8. Hey guys, Im going to be purchasing a R33 GTST within the next couple of weeks and I was wondering if I needed any extra or special paperwork when I change the car into my name? I have heard that vicroads can be a bit hard to deal with regarding imports. As far as I know I need a Roadworthy cert. and change of ownership form! Any assistance would be great Thanks guys
  9. be serious now fellas
  10. Hey all, I thought it might be a good idea to see how much power at the wheels the Skylines of Victoria are putting out. If you have dyno graphs it would be good if you could even upload them. Cheers guys
  11. HeathGTST

    Not a 4WD!

    hahaha i found that pic awhile ago on a website www.wreckedexotics.com guys you gotta take a look at this site. It will make you cry when you see some hardcore smashed up Ferraris and Lambos..... Even a page for Skylines and Supras enjoy, post on this thread what you think of the site
  12. Eh..... Im currently looking around for finance... and finding it a little bit difficult. Can anyone suggest a company that does finance for imports? And what sort of interest rate you are paying? Cheers guys
  13. If you want castrol oil the distrubor is in Kitchen road in Dandenong and i beleive you can buy castrol products over the contour.... Best to ring them first because im not 100% sure
  14. Yeah I understand that it must take alot of work and I appreciate how much time and effort you guys put in, however if I can be of any assistance please let me know, I will do what I can. Im just really keen to go to one because I was really looking forward to the last one but I couldnt attend If we can get a few people together it should be a good day
  15. if you are going to block off airflow to the brake rotors its garanteed that your brake system will heat up... therefore you will get the old spongey pedal
  16. they should fit them, if not you could always sell the wheels, the tyres alone cost $1400 and the wheels are worth around the same brand new... If you sold the wheels it could pay of some of the cost of the tyres
  17. Hey guys, I dont know if this should be in the events section but does anyone know of a dyno day in melbourne that will be on shortly.... I was really keen to go to the last one however I was away racing in Sydney! Who organises them? Or how would we go about organising a day? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers fellas
  18. Hey guys if you after buddy club wheels try http://www.slidewizeimports.com His name is Zac and he is based in melbourne and will be more than happy to set you up with a set of those bad boys.... Tell him Heath sent you!!
  19. Ill defenelty be there.... Im signing up
  20. make an offer guys....these tyres would cost you more than this price alone.....Im pretty easy on the price so put in a ligitmate offer and you can have them
  21. Offset is unknown at this stage.... but i will try and find out for you.... The tyres are worth $1400 alone and the have 95% tread on them so basicly your buying tyres and getting a free set of wheels which you could sell again and make some money back in return. Im 99% sure that they will fit though.
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