Hmmm there is merrit in what everyone is saying however its a case by case situation. Im 20 and im just about to buy an R33 GTS-T. From my many years of racing experience in Formula 3 not only in Australia but also overseas I have learnt that you must treat speed with the upmost respect. I also was an advanced and high speed driving instructor part time aswell, and being in a car with some of the drivers that instructed was scarey. I just dont think people understand what happens when a car becomes out of control and how little control they have - I know, Ive been there. I have had a few big spins in my Formula 3 and its FARKING scarey and once the car is sideways you are just a passenger.
I think we need to ask ourselves at times, even in a controled enviroment and at a relatively low speed, are we really in 100% control of the car - I dont think so.
I do however feel for the families of the young passengers but I dont feel for the driver of the car.