this sounds good.not last job, one before, I was earning ok.
approx 60-70kyr(before tax)for 6 full days.
sometimes earlier starts and/or later finishes.
the final straw was sundays.
I farking hate working sundays.
for that money anyway.
9-3, plus around 1/2hr before and after to open/close.
they made it those hours so you 'still had time for a bbq or similar'.
now, who the fark wants to work in the middle of the day, come home, have a shower because youre covered in filth, then cook a bbq in the cold night air?
no one.
absolutely no one.
so, left, took a pay cut, earning approx 50k/yr for 5 1/2 days every week.
was better.
but, still wish I had chosen a different career path.
then I could pay others to work on my car, rather then scrimping and saving.
missus works too.
earns more per hour than I.
meh, we shall get there I suppose.
/rant, thanks for skipping.