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luke gtr

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Everything posted by luke gtr

  1. in, so in. so in, that im not even out, just in. thanks terry.
  2. nik, you look a lot older than I thought.and I didnt know you wore glasses?
  3. also, SARS.that shit will fark you up.
  4. heard this line before....youre just like everyone else *runs off crying*
  5. but its the better kind of sick...
  6. female goat, you know, love teh bishes.
  7. wheres my mention?
  8. challenge accepted!post your time slip farker!
  9. morning all.
  10. well....actually, it was a goat. and you asked a question, I answered it. that is all.
  11. 30cm or 1 foot.shorter is a bit of string, longer is a length of string.
  12. big screen, ftw!
  13. pffft, wouldnt touch icrap.Samsung galaxy note2
  14. im in bed nearly asleep.night.
  15. luke gtr

    Bnr34 Or R35

    because they get so hot....
  16. so really, 1/2 a crapbox anyway.
  17. I thought he didnt have 1st or 4th when first running?
  18. luke gtr

    Bnr34 Or R35

    next nationals, or this nationals?south aus, going to get farked up.
  19. luke gtr

    Bnr34 Or R35

    he doesnt like you.you should give him wristies to break the ice.
  20. and thought, 'how could I make this gayer?', and dropped the ls1 in....
  21. wait, youre banging goats now? How farked up are you?
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