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luke gtr

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Everything posted by luke gtr

  1. transfered mullah tonight will do form shortly i want number 8 spot davo please????
  2. No worries whichever..... Get it? He he he he.
  3. Roads? Where were going, we don't need, roads.......
  4. I wonder what they'd be saying in the euro threads given the same question? I'm sure the word "soul" would be overly used. But then, reading through thia thread, the word "raw" has been used a fair bit. I personally have only been in 2 gtrs. Both r32s. Both modded. And i let out a small sigh of lust scrub time I open my garage door. I love my r. Life doesn't get much better than this.
  5. mike..............lowery
  6. yeah, everyone wants to be like me
  7. thanks for the kind words. in regards to the felt at home comment, i have this to state: time and time again, i have seen new people come to the cruises saunsw has organised. or, cruises posted on sau in general. while there is a little playful banter between different makes/models, i have honestly never seen/been a part of a more accepting club. with cars being in my blood from my dad, i have spent time with a variety of car clubs. NONE, so far, have stacked up to sau, as a club or community. this always gives me a sense of pride. new people come, realize that we are enthusiasts and open minded, and enjoy them selves. this is what every club should be. and this, i believe, is why we have so much success with our runs. thank you, to all participants, for making everyone welcome.
  8. Oh, hi! I was in the gold 32. The 32 that was over fueling just a little belongs to sloane. Good cruising with you.
  9. might be in for cruise only. sounds like it should be a good night.
  10. thank you to all the rganisers who made this cruise possible. first time ive done putty, wont be the last. hope the biker gets well soon. great to see the excellent turn out, very surprising considering the thread indication. great to meet some of you, sorry, im going to forget your names.(i suck with names) we want a wrap up thread!!!!
  11. Damn, I still have to organize a stuffed animal. I'll find something.
  12. 35gtr is nearly 2T.... And so is an older gtr with a few passengers. And its not a race, so you should be ok.
  13. i thought he wanted cars, not boats. jokes, jokes. looks nice mate
  14. ^^^ youre both wrong, he said a 34, not a 33....
  15. pffft, who cares about newbs. theres already 70,000 potential buyers. also, less bitching, more designing.
  16. wtf people? do you only own one car? drive what ever you have, or just say you dont want to come. and you know you want to come. so, drive your car. drive your other car. borrow a car from family or friends. bum a ride with someone else. hire a car. catch a cab. catch a bus. just do it! this message brought to you by the pro putty rd committee.
  17. I don't think I have ever had the pleasure of meeting Christian. But i also wish he and his family well. It's always a sad time when someone that means so much to so many becomes ill. But there is a little comfort in knowing you have the support and best wishes from all those people. Hope you get well soon. Car package, or care package?
  18. Willing to freight changer to Sydney? If so, price please.
  19. Post was in relation to the one 2 above.... No idea about the other end, first time doing putty.
  20. windsor road, and pitt town rd. BP at the lights, will confirm if they have 98 tomorrow for you. if not, theres a 7/11 just before the bp, 99% sure they have 98, or as stated, the shell next to the raaf base.
  21. ^^^ probably just the angle, but the back and front of the r32, look to be different colours. absolutely love the design though. top notch. and tom, i like the "godzilla" design, because it kind of looks like something obscure youd see in a fashion shop.
  22. Hot in black, will buy one NOW....
  23. Biggest problem with this site is: I've gone to use it twice in the last monthish, and it comes up that 1 third of the data base is down. Now, you can't see if the car you're looking at is on that portion of the data base, without paying first. It states, if you pay, and the car doesn't come up, they will send you the certificate when the system is back online. How does that help me now? If the cats not registering yet, and I pay for said certificate, and buy the car with any problems, are they going to reimburse me? Doubtful. When i checked for the Sil80 I bought, it came up as not on their system. I'm pretty sure at that stage, they didn't debit my credit card. But the new policy states they will. I would like to see a similar system to the old revs. Here's your info. If you want a legal copy, pay and we will send it out. If you just print it out, it won't be worth the paper you print it on. Just my 2c /rant.
  24. looks nice, hope its found before being harmed.
  25. Only because you are lucky enough to afford everything....
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