Ok, I've been waiting for my engine to rack up 1000ks to make sure nothing goes bang.
I bought parts through a friend of a friend, and he supplied mahle forged pistons.
He also neglected to inform me that they foul the oil squirters.
So, after the first piston was in, went to turn the crank over, and it got real hard.
From here, I checked to see what was happening....
What i found was the piston fouling the squirter.
So? What do i so now?
Answer: mod the squirters to fit.
I have attached(hopefully) pics of the modded squirters, with pics of installed so you can see where they foul, and how little room you will have.
Ok, first things first:
You will have to grind the locator flat.
I used a bench grinder.
CAUTION: being a small amour of alloy, it gets very hot, very quick.
Grind the back edge of the squirter at an angle.
As you can see her, I have used a copper washer.
The piston comes down to the point where it nearly contacts.
My thoughts were, I don't want to risk inertia just bringing them into actual contact.
Better safe than sorry.
As you can see here, positioning of the squirter is critical!
Too far one way, it will hit the under piston bracing.
Too far the other, it will foul the rod.
You can see where the locator would have gone.
To torque without the squirters moving, I used a pair of long nosed pliers in the locating hole.
And done them up to the highest point of factory torque specs.
I can't remember, but I think I also used a drop of loctite.
So, there you have it.
As stated, have been running my engine for 1000kms now, without incident(touch wood).
I've also had my engine spinning at/near redline.
Any questions, pm me.
Hope this helps others, as I couldn't find much on it other than people saying, "yeah, I've heard they foul."
Cheers, happy modding....