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luke gtr

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Everything posted by luke gtr

  1. ive only got an old r32 and the c63 amg couldnt catch me
  2. if street driven, just get coolant temp and oil pressure. if track work is on your list, add oil temp.
  3. welcome back. loving the progress reports.
  4. welcome. hope you find some useful info. enjoy your time here. and throw up any pics you can. everyone loves pics
  5. welcome. the wagons look good together. also, was going to point out its not a coup
  6. welcome. hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. that quote(panel beater) seems very cheap for the amount of work involved. and if they can get the dents out by paintless dent removal, a lot of panel beaters will also go this route. me personally, I wouldnt want the turret replaced. but, thats just me.
  8. whats that?sounds like youre coming down with a cold....
  9. china are a 3rd of the price for new.in saying thay, id love to buy these, but like most, no money. glws.
  10. cmon..... you know you want a reason to rebuild your engine I appreciate the offer, but I wont be at powercruise. we'll organise something one day.
  11. sooooo......I can drive you car?
  12. get on it bitches http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/439741-mid-march-midway-meetup-sunday-23rd/#entry7210717
  13. appreciated. lookong forward to this. would like the gtr running, but no way of happening (unless I get a 1500 donation from somewhere)
  14. no worries. hoping to have car running by then. but not sure. a little doubtful.
  15. and we have our first vict...volunteer!
  16. Back by popular demand! (anf) round 2, its time for lunch with the sydney siders. so, heres the details: meet: maccas epic meet time: 10.30 leave time: 11.00 (can someone please organise this at your end) (if anyone wants to come) est arrival time: 12:00 date: sunday 23rd march destination: goulburn(montague st)* there is a park with some picnic tables/chairs. i would recommend bringing your own chairs/blankets/tables/picnic gear. this street is perpendicular to the main rd which has take away/fast food for the lazy people(me). so, get your asses there. doesnt matter what car you bring. just bring yourself, any family/friends, and be ready to have a good time. ill be im my mazda 3 (again) see you all then.
  17. ITS BACK! round 2. its that time of the year again, time to have lunch with the ACT folk. so, heres the details: meet: cross roads kfc(homemaker centre, cowpasture rd) meet time: 9:45 leave time: 10:30(sharp) est arrival time: 12:00 date: sunday 23rd march destination: goulburn(montague st)* there is a park with some picnic tables/chairs. i would recommend bringing your own chairs/blankets/tables/picnic gear. this street is perpendicular to the main rd which has take away/fast food for the lazy people(me). so, get your asses there. doesnt matter what car you bring. just bring yourself, any family/friends, and be ready to have a good time. I shall be in my mazda 3(again) see you all then.
  18. another item to break and cost a fortune to fix when the car gets older....
  19. would help to post a price. and a few more details of trans. eg, type, work done, by whom, how long ago, etc...
  20. thinking about it. would need to swap extinguisher to mizda.
  21. one of us...one of us...
  22. what would be the cutoff date for entry? (havnt opened the links, or gone to site)
  23. dont forget the one in Cambridge gardens
  24. also, good luck and keep us updated.
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