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luke gtr

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Everything posted by luke gtr

  1. welcome.
  2. welcome.
  3. welcome. theres alot of info on this site about buying a skyline and the checks to do. so, to try and answer your question.... a) yes. they can be a good introduction to skyline. but, what do you want eventually? you may as well buy the car you want to own eventually. b) in regards to price, the neater the car, generally, the more you will pay. have a look around and get a good idea of what most are going for, then progress from there. c) maintenance, how much do you expect to drive it? I know you have stated as a weekend car, but mine is, and Im lucky to do 100-200kms a month. you may do that every weekend. general maintenance shouldn't be too much more then every other car. d) sites to look at are the for sale, whole cars on this site. ebay. gumtreee. carsales. again look at as many as you can, and get a good grasp for price. e) cant help here sorry, as im in nsw, but hopefully a vic person can chime in with some experience. either way good luck with your hunt. and be sure to post pics when/if you buy one. in the meantime, post pics of your current ride, as we love all cars here, not just skylines.
  4. welcome. congratulations on the new purchase. hope all goes well. very nice 240. but you seem to be missing the bonent
  5. welcome. Please post pics
  6. sms sent.
  7. tin/colourbond.check in the original wdydtyct thread in wasteland. will post more pics when done.
  8. welcome. check the for sale section. sure to find one. maybe?
  9. dont leave the bolts out. unless you weld the sump on, the extra height is going to cause the gearbox bolts to be out. DONT WELD THE SUMP ON. the extra deck height is a problem. elongate the engine mount bracket holes, and drop the engine closer to the subframe. if using a small turbo or low mounts, you should be able to get away with trimming the bracing from under the bonnet. I have personally spaced the subframe. mainly because I didnt want to touch my bonnet. keep in mind, if you go this route, the cooling fan will no longer line up. but, the guard to plenum pipe should.
  10. giant fluro pink rising sun vinyl?
  11. my friend matt is referring to the whore thread in wasteland.and every girl on the internet is a guy until met in life.
  12. hello all. just thought id put it up in here, that alot of the states are trying to organize a national blood drive/donation at the red cross. head to your local state events thread for more details. hoping to get some great numbers. so, roll up your sleeve for a great cause. hope to see alot of you there.
  13. this is a great place to learn.
  14. welcome. as loach recommended, check in the nsw events section. also, thought about joining the club as a financial member? gives discounts to the motorsport events we run, and free tech nights (limited spots). it ends up paying for itslef. either way, hope you continue enjoying your car, and the site.
  15. welcome.
  16. sure, the top and bottom pics look the same, but what about the underside of the product?
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