ok, been thinking about this thread.time for my 2c.
please note: these are my thoughts and opinions only.
I think you could have gone about this slightly different.
instead of describing everything the driver was doing wrong, could have just said driving like a goose.
in regards to speeding how do you know?
did you have a radar on the car?
could have been doing the speed limit whilst everyone else was going slower?
cutting in and out of traffic, to maintain his speed?
ive done this, whilst sitting on the speed limit due to slower cars on the road.
cracking gate, in which gear?
1st or 2nd can crack gate within the speed limit in most areas.
and imports are targeted as they stand out.
this is the reason theres not more name and shame threads for normal cars.
they blend in, and you dont really notice most of the time.
now, im also NOT saying the car was adhereing to the road rules, I wasnt there, and dont know.
but, could there be even a little doubt?
again, just my thoughts.