Just thought id spill my emotions here and hope that some of you feel the same way.
Why is it that everytime someone sees those cycloptic eyes on the back of the skyline they wanna start something? They rev you out, the try and take over you, the driver stares at you like theres going to be a showdown.
Why is most of these numb skulls Holden drivers and funny enough not Fords? Is it the whole bathurst thing?
Why do cops always hound me because some aholes bring a bad name to Skylines and other performance car brands?
Why is that some d!ckhead (another customer) felt like he could step in my car to check it out at an exhaust service place while im standing right there?!
Why do people jump on the bandwagon with Skylines when they have no real passion?
Why do people actualy waist so much money on mods and then say i wanna sell to upgrade?? Do you not love the masterpiece you created, that you slaved over? While we go and buy the magazines and droll over it and wish we could actualy fork up the cash to do the same?
Why do idiots drag race on public roads, seriously man why is it a need to proove you can go quicker than the guys next to you, should the thrill of the accelaration be when on your on open roads, or for the track? Because at the end of the day your getting to the next set of lights 2-3 seconds quicker. He will be right next to you again or overtake you becuse the traffic on your side is worse.
I know, it itches to slam your foot down , i have paid the price for it, its realy lame. Loosing your licence and watching your car sit there is no prize for going quick.
Why do europeans have the image of being hooligans in cars? All i see on the news is the anglos and asians crashing there cars and we get slammed because the system is to loud...proove me wrong in terms of ratio.
Overall , its an honor to drive next to Skylines, it amazing how they never wanna drag, and when i see them ther role up and cruise in sicn with the exhaust noise doubling....theres always the slide the window down and ask whats udner the bonnet, that respectful. And thats they way we should all roll.
Didnt mean to offend anyone with my words.....