have no use for this stuff any more.
need it gone asap!!!! need cash for dyno time
- S13 bride superlow seat rail, great condition-$120
-17x8 drifteks, black, good but not perfect condition, eveyone knows what they look like, 215/45r17 tyres, skid worthy
-rb emanage blue, tuned currently for rb20det with cooler, exhaust, r33, 555cc, 180rwkw, $150
-t28 gtir broooo, currently pulled apart to see condition, sold car, no need for it, good condtion-$300!!!!!
- 215/45r17 re050a tyres, have a fair few, 10$ each
not neg on prices,
sth/est suburbs
call or sms prefered,
0439 315 960