Last night, some dude didn't give way, therefore hitting me as i came through da intersection. The traffic light turned green, so i proceeded forward.
Da Valient cut in front of me, not giving way. Therefore clipping da left side of my car. Luckily dogded my intercooler. But front spoiler hanging off, damage 2 bonnet and front side panel. He only got 1 dent..He got out and tried blaming me, but had witnesses everywhere getting out 2 help me. He apologised for swearing and shit when heaps of people were around him, must have scared him a bit.. ha
Luckily da dude has insurance, so can fix da $3000 damage. Went straight 2 Police station, got a report done.. so now will have 2 wait for a couple of weeks 2 get fixed..not happy. It's not good watching ya beast crumple..but life goes on..
So looks like il miss out on any cruises coming up..damn. Anyway, that's my sad news..