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Everything posted by Krishy

  1. 1. What size of tyre do you mainly need? D) 17" 2. What do you mainly use your tyres for? D) Cruises & Daily 3. What is the main reason that you buy your tyres from your supplier (New or Used)? Example: Cost? Service? Cheap and good service ... plus mates rates 4. Would your driving style change if the cost of tyres was dramatically dropped? Hell yeah 5. What would you consider a fair price for a decent used set of 2 tyres? (Example: Bridgestone Potenza RE040 with 40% tread or more) 40% around the $50< mark 70-75% around the $100 mark 6. Would you be interested a bit extra if I could deliver to your door? nope 7. Would you be interested in paying slightly more for same day delivery? nope....i would rather pick it myself 8. What is your preferred brand of tyre? cheapo = Clear, Wanli, tornadoes excy = toyo, bridgestone, michelin 9. Would be interested in a fair rebate for every friend you refer? ohh yeah
  2. that looks like a series 1 with a series 2 wing.....my mate has a series 1.5 and that thing looks nothing like this....
  3. well it sent my back $5K for everything that i got done....and that was getting a motor $1880....labor to get the damn thing in $1500...and the rest was spent on parts and other labor hours....i got all the fluids, water pump, timming belt, most sensors, new engine mounts.....and a lot more....it was worth doing it as well i reackon as my next service is a long while away.... a rebuild of my old motor was going to send me back from $6-8K....and that was rebuild with everything forged and all that... on a stock turbo you can safely run 12 psi mate....no problems....if i were you then i would take the easy way out and buy a second hand motor and slap it in....run it on stock boost for a while...then with the mods you have get it all tuned out and safely boost it to 10-12 psi....
  4. i warm up the thing for abt 5mins before i start driving it....then drive it slow for the first 15 mins and after that give it here and there but try to get the fuel economy out of it as well....but thats why i have a daily....the skyline only gets driven on the weekends....
  5. i have just replaced my motor on my r33 with a second hand one and stock its puting out enough power atm for me to be satisfied with it for a while....rb26 will send you back a bit more then wat a second hand motor would cost ya....but in saying that you can chase some big power with a 26 setup....another option is to rebuild your current motor with forgies and bigger turbo setup....also do the cams and stuff like that and you will be pulling out huge power....downside is its gonna hit your pocket hard GTR motor plus gear box around the $6.5-7K mark.....and then you have the dilemma of getting it put in....
  6. or just push start all the cars lol
  7. hahah very funny hotwire
  8. Krishy

    December Cruise

    count me in....always ready for cruise
  9. drive ins are awesome.....i havnt been there in a while so will be good to go and take a well earned break from studies.....
  10. wats the fine these days for not having a cat
  11. i would like to know how on earth did he do that....rolling a car in the hills yeah i can understand that but in the suburbs wtf
  12. nice car....would definitely keep an eye out as i have been after that bonnet and that kit for a long time and never get an straight answer as to what kit people have....sorry to hear your loss
  13. thats some nice shots mate....good clean ride...where did u take those shots from anyway
  14. not good to hear those 2 incidents....hopefully all the people involved are ok....would like to know how the driver of the 33 fliped his car....
  15. does it have to be a series 2 or will you be ok with a series 1....there isnt a whole lot of difference between the 2 and personally i have a series 1 that kicks ass man....try going to rpmlounge.com.au and look through the import district section of the forum and yeah dave the importer Elite Auto Imports has imported a lot of good cars for my mates and they have been in immaculate condition so if ur looking for a cheaper option then sometimes importing is better as the aussie dollar is strong atm
  16. well what mods have you done to the car apart from the trust turbo....it could possibly be a intercooler hose coming off but it wnt sound like that....more like psssssssst....coz that happens a lot to my r33 damn it...take it to a import specialist and that would be a safe bet
  17. well i got a 33 as well but i done these mods and i was pulling out on stock boost without the front mount about 180 rwkw....so my advice is to do this: * full turbo back exhaust system * a high flowing pod or pannel filter * clutch if its manual and you do give it a bit * splitfire coilpacks * trust/greddy front mount intercooler theses days sell for around $600-$700 with piping i got a few more mods planned but not as of yet
  18. or one of your vaccum lines is disconnected and the computer goes into safe mode coz of overboosting maybe.....just suggesting
  19. i guess rotary's are good for something....they cant be stolen lol
  20. Krishy


  21. i have a greddy full auto turbo timer and it cost me $150 installed...mine is set to 40 seconds but it adjusts itself while you drive as to how your driving.....there has been times where i have gone through the hills and stopped after an hr or so and the timmer has gone to 9 mins 59 seconds (max it can go to) and that to me is telling me how hot/thrashed my turbo is so i would give it about a good 5 mins of idling before i turn the car off....turbo timers are good if you get it installed properly and they do save turbo life so i have been told by my mechanics
  22. did your mechanics tell you why you needed to replace the engine....and did they tell you what the problem was...if they did then obiviously its not the motor but could be the ecu, afm, sensors a lot of things timming for example....so just take it to an import specialist and they should be able to tell you whats going on
  23. my rb25 used to do that and seemed like it was something to do with the AFM but all it needed was to be driven like a granny for about 1000kms.....the problem i used to have was when the motor warmed up a bit it would start jerking while cruising and didnt want to be driven at all....but after driving like a granny for the next 1000kms the ecu relearnt itself and it has been good since then even after been thrashed for an 1hr or so straight no probs...
  24. well if u take the sound deadening stuff off the air box or put in a pod filter instead of having those panel filters then you will hear the turbo spool louder....and no your turbos not going to die....i have a r33 and a pod filter makes a lot of noise even with the stock bov....but the spooling yeah that will sound loud so thats not a prob.....and with the trans check your trans fluid or else your trans might be on its way out so take care bro
  25. was it all ripped up or still in good condition when found
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